Definitely a weird day at work when @jesserobbins boots you out of a conference room #Salesforce #devops
Replying to @sjmh
RT @solarce PSA: DevOps does not mean a developer doing sysadmin tasks. Kthxbye
Daughter: dad I like the stickers on your laptop! Especially #logstash! @jordansissel #dadops
Binders full of women? How 70s. I'll be happy when Mitt moves up to dBase III full, awww yeah. #debate #geeks
Working at #salesforce is like working at a big successful company that changes at the speed of a startup #dreamjob
Replying to @obfuscurity
re: apple key, all the time, and I'd forgotten why at this point, thanks!
OH: "yeah, yeah, the 404 dragon?"
RT @ajbaird Most literal job title ever.
Replying to @jordansissel
you mean lunch?