At first ever #Salesforce devops internal mini conference! #devopsdays Rome levers, thanks @damonedwards
You can't scale what you don't measure
Excited to be holding SF #Logging MeetUp with @elasticsearch at #salesforce tonight. Sold out show!
RT @HarvardBiz Why You Should Take the Blame @peterbregman
Woo! #puppetcamp on the same google floor as @peggymangot
@puppetlabs any way to squeeze some unconference into today's #puppetcamp? #razor #puppetforsecurity #multippmtopuppetdb
Replying to @andrewsmhay
hah, totally, been talking about this with @sheurich! Worried about presenting theory over implementation :(
Replying to @andrewsmhay and @synack
going to talk to @ryanycoleman about maybe setting up a github repo to continue the discussion
@graylog2 June preso @ San Francisco logging MeetUp?
OH: swimming and ice skating are just about the same thing, just at different temperatures #canada
Proposal for Agile 2013 about #devops got accepted! Woot!
OH: "Canadian meat is grade eh"
RT @dominicad Finally! Agile 2013 conf finalized #devops track. Nice lineup! Congrats
Who's got tickets for OnomastiCon this year?
@igb RT @hipsterhacker Erlang is better than yer lang.
OH: its like a cruise ship with oars
Replying to @monkeybrainsnet
yerba buena?
Replying to @vvuksan
if you've got some time! Lunch, dinner, drinks? Lunnks? Links? #sanfrancisco
RT @gwestr "I want to hand edit XML when I grow up" - said no one
Replying to @andrewsmhay
yeah, that was the module whose organization I found confusing #puppet
Replying to @synack
I'm at Tufte too, lunch?
Damn it's going to be hard to give up my boxes with drop shadows! #sacrifice #omnigraffle #edwardtufte