RT @jbbarth: Tonight's experiment: Puppet docs with #logstash style = better navigation http://bl.ocks.org/jbbarth/raw/5897441 #puppetize
RT @johnC_bristol: Good, I remembered about CAMS and the four pillars that support #DevOps: Caffeine, Ale, Moaning and Sudo
RT @kantrn: Reminder: systems design has three categories; hard, very hard, and distributed.
Ad for @HP moonshot server says it's the next generation of Internet server. Not without an API ur not. CLI<>API #enterprise HW #smh
RT @radnip: Microsoft Blocks Google, VMware, #Salesforce Employees from #WPC14?? really? http://ow.ly/mMPRj
RT @philwhln: 'Yoda would have made a great DevOps: Release, or release not, there is no “try”.' - @selenakyle http://www.wired.com/insights/2013/07/devops-at-the-gate-an-interview-with-eas-senior-director-of-operations-allison-miller/
RT @jchyip: Just like graphic designers fight against visual ugliness, system designers fight against ugliness that most people can't see
/var/lib/puppet, 2.7 = 0755, 3.0 = 0750, wish I'd seen that coming! #puppetize
Replying to @littleidea
there is no talent shortage <- just wow, awesome
OH: "it's like looking at the next bright shiny object: feline management"
Razor going to get some major love from @puppetlabs, awesome! #puppetize
Replying to @larsks
we build RedHat boxes with razor every day
RT @gregoehmen: .@salesforce.com hosting next SF Puppet MeetUp 8/7/13 featuring a #Razor prez by @puppetlabs own @lutterkort. ping @gregoe…
Will @puppetlabs acquiring @cloudsmith be enough to switch back for #puppet from @intellijidea to #Geppetto <- gonna need ALOT! of love
Replying to @larsks
just checked out our @SalesforceEng razor module that runs on RHEL, LOTS of custom packages. Probably hard to OSS. Sorry. #puppet
Replying to @chorankates
parking lot? Poppy land? Proper lift? Puppy love?
Replying to @onejli
your smokeping graph is hitting for the cycle?!
Replying to @SanFranciscoJim
"If there’s a secret to Tesla’s success, it’s been to outsource as little as possible." <- Devops
Replying to @carsonsweet
wait, @SalesforceEng is what? We're...devops engineer? Oh man. #gettingtrolled
Replying to @carsonsweet
yeah read it, some folks to follow up with
Replying to @carsonsweet
there is no such thing as a devops engineer. Don't sweat it.
My starred items in gmail are morphing from constellations into the Milky Way #inboxouch
Happy sysadmin day to you...and you smell like one too. ;)
RT @puppetlabs: Join the San Francisco Puppet User Group & hear more about Razor on Aug 7. "Strong waters will be served." http://t.co/sOjg…
Replying to @andrewsmhay
MIT scratch!