1/2way pt. in 2nd internal @SalesforceEng #devops mini-conference. Ignites, open-spaces, collaboration, oh my! #dreamjob @damonedwards
Replying to @lancegaley
go shopping, lol
RT @SalesforceEng: DevOps is transforming how we develop and deliver software. @gwestr and @davemangot leading internal conf. Start here ht…
Replying to @obfuscurity
congrats to you @dyn and @petecheslock :)
@petecheslock in a job title, the hash tag is #devopsional
RT @Benioff: We are excited @Salesforce to partner with @mayoredlee on this important initiative. Thank you @ronconway. http://t.co/OI1DsB…
SCM + rsync as a packaging system
RT @peggymangot: Way To Go @ksubram1 @rlespera and @mccaut on launch of @Walgreens Loyalty in Google Wallet!! #money2020
@SalesforceEng DevOps hackday #dreamjob #puppetize
Replying to @arielvalentin
as much as possible!
RT @SalesforceEng: Internal DevOps #hackday kicked-off yesterday w/ @davemangot & @gwestr. Successful software delivery requires DevOps. ht…
#DevOps @SalesforceEng, don't do it, live it #hackday
Has anyone deployed or managed an @Infoblox grid at scale or know someone who has? If so, please put in touch. Thanks.
RT @PyTrigger: NEW in Trigger 1.4.1: Support for MRV console servers, F5 load-balancers, & a new CLI tool to run commands! http://t.co/leri…
Replying to @pczarkowski and @movingdecoy
hangout this week to talk #infoblox? Thanks so much @solarce
Replying to @pczarkowski and @MovingDecoy
Oct 16, 14:00 PST? #infoblox
Replying to @pczarkowski and @movingdecoy
thanks for all the great advice!
RT @gwestr The problem with email is there is no way to mark a thread as "resolved", "final", or "closed". <-- gmail mute
Replying to @gwestr
RT @SalesforceEng: Salesforce engineers are at #DevOpsDays New York today and tomorrow. Come find us at our booth. http://bddy.me/H39t4T
Replying to @postwait
@monkeybrainsnet trouble in mission?
Replying to @moshjeier and @jezhumble
c'mon Josh, I'm doing #DF13, and @flowconsf (only one day)
Massive packet loss since 16:30 Friday, "not our problem" says @monkeybrainsnet
RT @securitah: "Quality can not be improved by trying harder." (Deming) Not E for effort but O for optimization. @selenakyle #loopsloopsloo…
DevOps...You know, for kids!
Replying to @gwestr
techops 101, R&D essentials? #DevOps
Replying to @gwestr
is that course current? <-- *shrugs* TechOps101 is pretty new so I hope so! I will contact the organizers. @TKEsmalls
Replying to @gwestr
engine stop at full stop was in my @volvo S60 rental in Spain
"State of the #Devops Union" in which @botchagalupe channels @littleidea with a reborn NY accent http://vimeo.com/77232093
Replying to @botchagalupe
don't blame your ugly head on the accent! ;)
TIL Solaris date(1) has no actual way of telling you the current time in epoch seconds, because #unix *smh*
RT @iteration1: Slides are done! Interested in cloud based user authentication? Come find out everything I've learned about this at noon to…
RT @byosko: Salesforce is doing a $1 Million hackathon (biggest hackathon EVER!) at Dreamforce http://blogs.developerforce.com/developer-relations/2013/10/salesforce-one-million-dollar-hackathon.html
Proud so many @SalesforceEng peeps are heading to #devopsdays Vancouver today! #jealous Gotta ride fast to catch the live stream!
"We are looking for someone who has solid Microsoft, Windows...experience." <- maybe grep my resume b4 sending? @petecheslock
Replying to @TKEsmalls
#moreisbetter? DRY?
Replying to @igb
http://www.sfdpw.org/index.aspx?page=342 I've been a volunteer for years #iheartSF
Thanks "early adopters" who are testing the .0 release of a new OS, Mavericks, for me. It sounds, err, awesome. #sysadmins everywhere
Replying to @josephruscio and @solarce
hope @SalesforceEng's Pat Helland's talk was great. He's one of the reasons I'm here #dreamjob
Replying to @gregburek
so is Pat, he talks about it all the time
So happy to see @lancegaley surfacing again!
RT @nomadicj: DevOps is an ideology, not a skill. An ideology is a framework within which one operates. A skill is the thing you actually g…
RT @derekbradley: Got the RunDeck / Salt integration scripts working sweet. Everything coming up Milhouse!
Replying to @cwebber
we used monit at #lastjob
Replying to @cwebber
wat! No love for @somafm?! :)
Now with "native #devops support"! Very nice. Now how much would you pay? But wait, there's more!