enterprise #devops transformation hack: loose coupling, don't try to C&C your way to DevOps #teachfishing
RT @PyTrigger: NEW in Trigger 1.4.3: Support for enable passwords, loading ACLs on Force10 devices and tons of bug fixes! http://t.co/YiDWq…
Replying to @lynxbat
what are the choices? Seems clear.
Replying to @littleidea
I make change, sometimes it's far messier than intended.
Replying to @lynxbat
RT @GoldrattBooks: "A bad system will defeat a good person every time." -—W. Edwards Deming
Working at @SalesforceEng means you get to work with amazing people like @jathanism #dreamjob
@trondhr: @pixelogik @jamie_allen @jboner @rolandkuhn So did @PatHelland back in '04, comparing SOA to other dist. systems...
"@Orthorize: SFlow @ CERN http://blog.sflow.com/2010/02/cern.html" @netmgmt
Replying to @steve_m_ayotte
will check it out, also been meaning to look @influxdb, thanks!
RT @viktorklang: OH: Coordination is expensive, let's go blocking!
When the kegerator has a nicer desk than you do
Replying to @puppetmasterd
UberSocial beta
RT @jboner: Finally. "@hackernewsbot: Comic Sans, meet Comic Neue... http://comicneue.com/"
You made such a good product @josephruscio that @Orthorize won't stop writing me emails telling me how much he loves @Librato, thanks!
RT @littleidea: Did your NoOps update SSL yet?
Got the practitioners panel finalized for the next @SalesforceEng internal #devops conference #feelingblessed
Replying to @botchagalupe
on the dashboard or for reservations?
Replying to @botchagalupe
Replying to @cwebber
REST/WAPI yes, not full support of Perl but getting there @botchagalupe
A single root cause is fundamentally at odds with the concept of systems thinking! #devobsvious
RT @EskoKilpi: Management theory needs to leave behind the industrial, mechanistic model of reality and the belief in linear if-then, causa…
Replying to @raypendyck
yes! Ask @gwestr
RT @janl: All combined, there’ve been over 250 commits cleaning up OpenSSL. In one week. http://undeadly.org/cgi?action=article&sid=20140418063443&mode=expanded&count=0 (via @sinclairday)
RT @theitskeptic: The #Singularity fallacy: brains don't store data, organisms are not machines. You cannot reverse engineer what was not e…
Where you shock @jesserobbins by recognizing him in the supermarket #sanfrancisco
So excited to be kicking off the DevOps Mini-Conference at @SalesforceEng tomorrow! http://bit.ly/1mxfJnd #dreamjob
RT @SalesforceEng: Excited to kickoff our 3rd internal #devops mini-conference tomorrow! @davemangot captures it in his latest blog: http:/…
http://jeffknupp.com/blog/2014/04/15/how-devops-is-killing-the-developer/ <- Dunning–Kruger in full effect! #devops
Replying to @grierj
anyone in particular? ;)
RT @forcedotcom: How @salesforce runs #DevOps Mini-conferences: http://bit.ly/1mtkP1n via @davemangot
RT @moshjeier: Excited for the @SalesforceEng #DevOps mini conference to start today! Love watching the transformation happen right before …
Replying to @moshjeier
you're making it happen!
RT @SalesforceEng: Today we kickoff our 3rd internal #DevOps mini conference led by our own @davemangot. Stay tuned for highlights. https:/…
Announcing the next SF Logging MeetUp at @SalesforceEng! @ClarkHaskins and @bonkoif Present Kafka as a Service http://meetu.ps/2kf0Rs
RT @SalesforceEng: Packed room for how #DevOps transforms the SDLC
RT @attackgecko: Looking forward to participating at the @SalesforceEng #DevOps conference tomorrow!
RT @SalesforceEng: Day 1 of our internal #devops mini-conference is a wrap! @davemangot shares more in his latest blog: http://t.co/SSXVdS2…
Huge thanks to Bruno, @jeremy_carroll, @attackgecko & @collidr for making Day 2 of the @SalesforceEng internal #DevOps conference a success!
RT @SalesforceEng: #DevOps conf. day 2: Practitioner Panel. Honored to have Bruno Connolly, @jeremy_carroll, @collidr & @attackgecko http:/…
RT @SalesforceEng: "..hire people that are proud of what they produce, have confidence in their features & want to own code start to finish…
RT @SalesforceEng: "During daily deployment windows, once tests pass, dev deploys code to canary instance, monitors, then can deploy to all…
RT @SalesforceEng: "Don't optimize to prevent data corruption; optimize to restore data because corruption will happen." @collidr #DevOps
RT @collidr: @SalesforceEng don't optimize to always prevent people causing data corruption. Mistakes will happen. Build recovery into dev…
RT @JeffKositsky: Joining @KQEDForum Thursday 9-10am to discuss homelessness in San Francisco and my work at @HamFamCtrSF.
RT @SalesforceEng: 3rd #Devops mini-conference was a hit! @davemangot recaps day two in his latest blog: http://bddy.me/1mGxfFU. #hackday n…
SF Logging meetup group now over 250 members. Might need it's own twitter handle! Thanks to @SalesforceEng for the support. Next up, Kafka.
Replying to @littleidea
L.A. DevOps Woman
Dad, is that your DevOps phone? #dadops
RT @botchagalupe: Devopsdays Silicon Valley Registration is finally up ( http://ow.ly/w8ZhQ ) Please RT....
RT @obfuscurity: The “Core Infrastructure Initiative” is planning to invest in OpenSSL rather than LibreSSL. Way to waste those funds. http…
Spring '14 @SalesforceEng #DevOps Conference Day 2 Wrap-up https://developer.salesforce.com/blogs/engineering/2014/04/spring-14-salesforce-com-devops-conference-day-2-wrapup.html
Wish I'd got new @SalesforceEng workstation 8 days ago! 32GB, .5TB RAID0 SSD, 1.2TB RAID1 HDD, 4GHz OMFG #dreamjob
Replying to @edg3e
no turbo button!
Replying to @jathanism
panels on my roof looking better every day #produceatsourceofdemand
Replying to @suewarnke
I ran that 5K Sunday as well! Go @SalesforceEng!
RT @SalesforceEng: Congrats to our own @jamesplusplus! RT @ApachePhoenix a proud part of the Hortonworks HDP 2.1 distribution: http://t.co/…
RT @patrickdebois: companies using the #devopsdays conference format internally to discuss #devops - we've come a long way