RT @janl: My biggest reward as a conference organiser is people doing great things with something they learned or with someone they met at …
RT @SalesforceEng: “Open source software has fueled the advancements we’ve seen over the last decade in cloud & mobile.” @parkerharris http…
RT @botchagalupe: Why would you treat your servers like cattle and your switches like pets?
RT @SFlogging: Video/slides from the last @SFlogging MeetUp held at @SalesforceEng about @apachekafka is up! http://www.hakkalabs.co/articles/site-reliability-engineering-linkedin-kafka-service
Replying to @solarce
woo! Jmxtrans FTW!
Replying to @vvuksan
like malaria does
RT @SalesforceEng: If you are in Vancouver, don't miss our own @gwestr present at "Tech Talks: Data & Dashboards" - 6:00pm. http://t.co/bPM…
OH: "white guys high five conglomerate"
Replying to @sdmouton, @pczarkowski, @beerops, @nick_lewis and @jakerobinson
your puny weapons are ineffective against corporate compliance
RT @AlgebraFact: "I must study politics and war that my sons may have liberty to study mathematics and philosophy." — John Adams
Replying to @superfell
RT @PyTrigger: NEW in Trigger 1.4.4: You can specify remote TCP ports, enhanced support for enable passwords, & more fixes! http://t.co/zqb…
RT @velocityconf: Brianna Malcolmson, Golfer turned @salesforce Security Incident Handler, talks about her Hacker roots: https://t.co/qqdFV…
If you don't value "the community", you probably don't respect your own
Congrats to @selenakyle and @google!
If everyone's not a part of your solution, you're part of the problem
If everyone's not a part of your solution, you're solving the wrong problem #devops
Love the late night chillax #worldcup set on @espn
RT @brianaguilar: Clear #WorldCup fever on my flight from ATL to SFO.
Replying to @petecheslock
did you see the first Dutch goal??!!
Replying to @stahnma
Replying to @gwestr
do you have a choice?
Internet of Thrones, Game of Things
@kanbanpad could you fix your cert please? It appears to have expired yesterday.
RT @SalesforceEng: We are hosting Femgineers Meetup: Why You Should Speak at Tech Conferences. Thursday, 19th. RSVP here: http://t.co/v86eY…
Replying to @jeremy_carroll and @obfuscurity
ahh, beat me to it
RT @agbotraining: Need programming music? Try @somafm, commercial-free, underground/alternative radio broadcasting from San Francisco. htt…
Technology is not gonna fix your culture problem
That thing when someone doesn't load the dishwasher efficiently enough #engineer #firstworldproblems
RT @SalesforceEng: Don't miss our own @CarolynCodes and Jeanine Walters at Femgineers Meetup: Why You Should Speak at Tech Conferences http…
OH: England can go party with Spain in Malta
RT @littleidea: being able to provision metal servers in minutes with an API catches you up every big web company 10+ years ago
RT @SalesforceWIT: "As an architect at Salesforce, I get to code and lead a team of engineers" @jeaninesw #femgineerforum http://t.co/cmtlv…
For those who didn't experience the 1st http://dot.com boom in SF...$15 for $10 in quarters? A Yo app? You're soaking in it. #dejavu
Thinking in Powerpoint *smh*
The Portugal goal keeper looks like @jezhumble
There is a perfectly logical explanation, of course
Replying to @petecheslock and @moshjeier
I sure do! Too bad you only get to ask me one question. Better luck next time!
Replying to @chorankates
stairs? No. But I like the way you think...
Replying to @chorankates
Made it as a volunteer for @devopsdays SV! Get to give back to the community that has given me so much (and book some @SalesforceEng VTO!)
Replying to @littleidea
if it works for you... Go with it!
RT @beerops: "I try to speak like I know I'm right and listen like I know I'm wrong." @littleidea #velocityconf
RT @SalesforceEng: We are giving away a FREE conference pass for #DevOpsDays! Retweet for a chance to win. http://bddy.me/1nDw8Dy @devopsda…
OH: he scratched on the 8 ball and had a vowel movement right there at the table
@bvanevery #devopsdays
RT @beerops: Change approval boards are risk management theater. @jezhumble #velocityconf
RT @netmgmt: Monitoring Docker using sFlow http://blog.sflow.com/2014/06/docker-performance-monitoring.html
RT @Rundeck User story… Automating Operations at @SalesforceEng with Rundeck and @SaltStackInc http://rundeck.org/stories/salesforce_gigantor.html
Booking some @SalesforceEng volunteer time off at #devopsdays SV
Replying to @bvanevery
how much you got? ;)
RT @iteration1: Yay! @DevToolSuperFan is rocking it on stage!! #devopsdays http://t.co/llspcidJqi
Love the idea of isolating customers and doing multi tenancy issuing docker by @FutureChips at #devopsdays
The gathering of the tribe #devopsdays SV
Achievement unlocked. @puppetlabs knit beer kozy. #devopsdays SV
RT @wickett: RT @gwaldo: #DevOpsDays Day 2 has kicked off! Watch the stream at http://bmc.com/devops
Our greatest glory is not in never falling, but in rising every time we fall. - Confucius #devopsdays SV
Fantastic discussion on the realities of "root cause" by @jamesurquhart at #devopsdays SV (flash crash example)
What else is there to say? @botchagalupe ladies and gentlemen. #incomparable #devopsdays SV
RT @ernestmueller: @mariusducea great event, thanks to you and all the #devopsdays organizers
RT @iteration1: @littleidea @davemangot @cshlittle @mariusducea @rberger @sigje great to see y'all again! Thank you for making the conferen…
Replying to @gwestr
umm, no
RT @mariusducea: Many thanks to our #devopsdays SV volunteers @RamAkuka @UberGeekGirl @pmoosh @davemangot @jkc137 @kantrn @tjsoftworks & Sh…