Nazi knowledge?
RT @velocityconf: Hm MT @tameverts How much fun would it be if tech confs had a kids' track, so I could bring my kiddos along to all the ev…
puts "Must stop typing 'puts' in my Python code. Must stop typing 'puts' in my Python code."
The @SalesforceEng crew is doing amazing things with @puppetlabs and r10k. #puppetize all the things
Replying to @moshjeier
of course, not strictly a supply problem
RT @SalesforceEng: Sunday #SneakPeak: preview of our new space opening soon in @RinconCenter. Look forward to hosting events with 225+ http…
@jezhumble Something is wrong with the tests for! (or there is another problem)
Replying to @pczarkowski
well said
Replying to @jamiealquiza and @petecheslock
company commenting on Windows superiority after migration from Linux. "didn't repeat our same the mistakes" Uh.
So useful. @chorankates
RT @aleszek: Meet GUS: The Grand Unified System That Keeps Salesforce Agile
Smokeping is still one of my all time favorite monitoring tools. Thanks @oetiker!
Replying to @TKEsmalls
you make my heart sing
Markdown Here @chorankates
In God we trust, everyone else must submit unit tests @moshjeier
Perl is the Solaris of languages. Was fun at the time, got me where I am today. No interest.
RT @hallie_parry: Long work meetings mean sketching.
Replying to @jathanism
@SFUnified posted lunch menu for schools with pre-K starts August 1 and ends last Friday. What's for lunch on the first day of school?
OH: it's mostly FIFO, but sometimes it switches to SWFO, squeaky wheel first out - @thefutureian
RT @SalesforceWIT: #SFWITWednesday: Meet our tech superheroes -who happen to be women! cc@reenamathew @jeaninesw @benioff @parkerharris
RT @JoshuaKerievsky: When #agile equals nothing more than sprints, standups & storypoints, poor software quality is guaranteed.
RT @aleszek: Agile Methodology at Salesforce, an Inside Look
Replying to @obfuscurity
darn, I'll be at @sopacbrewing at 6
RT @devopsdays: a warm RT request: we're looking for #devops women speakers at #devopsdays Belgium - submission & referrals welcome - http:…
There are few things more terrifying than a toddler with a light saber
Replying to @BillJelavich and @cricketondns
would be proud
RT @troutgirl: A lot of what an expensive education teaches you is that two opposite facts can both be true because they don't cover all th…
RT @cricketondns: For goodness' sake, at least give him the fifth edition! @BillJelavich: Making sure Larry has basic #DNS skillset. http:/…
RT @botchagalupe: First even "Devops 4 Networking" Event on Oct 14th in Mountain View ( )
Wondering what @botchagalupe is doing for lunch today...
After not seeing either in ages, funny bumping into @twitter peeps @sheurich and @doodie barely more than 12 hours apart
Getting ready for the 4 th @SalesforceEng DevOps mini conference! @damonedwards
Current status.
Replying to @benj_fry