RT @IanLongRaeda: "There is no such things as the cause, or primary cause, or root cause. Cause is something we construct, not find" Sidney…
RT @jeremiahg: What to do if youre a celebrity who dodged a bullet in nudie-selfie-gate…” blog post by @RSnake http://bit.ly/1nUsm8j
That thing when you carry the torch over the line that has been carried by 3 teams before you #delivery!
Just scored a ticket to @PuppetConf, yesssssss!
RT @PyTrigger: NEW in Trigger 1.4.5: A MongoDB loader for NetDevices, a completely refactored ACL parser, and more! http://bit.ly/trigger_1-4-5_changelog …
JAVA 4-EVER Trailer: http://youtu.be/kLO1djacsfg introducing Lenny Linux. Probably @_lennart can say whether the translation is accurate.
Empowering everyone to be a leader: http://youtu.be/OqmdLcyES_Q h/t Alan Caudill. @damonedwards @RealGeneKim @gregoehmen
RT @_lennart: @davemangot 100% accurate!
Replying to @littleidea
the agile whisperer
RT @TheRealKartik: Runner ups for TechCrunch #HackDisrupt SF 2014!! Go interactive markdown woot
OH: It's open source, we published a white paper!
RT @chorankates: @davemangot: 'the fact that we can improve is not an indictment of the present' #truth
Internal @SalesforceEng version of #devopsdays rides again!
Channeling my inner @botchagalupe this week
Replying to @stanlemon
go steelers!
MTBF: "Can't Touch This"
MTTR: "I get knocked down, but I get up again, you're never gonna keep me down!"
h/t Keith Stobie
RT @andymatic: 1. Go to http://www.fcc.gov/comments
2. Click on 14-28
3. Comment "I want internet service providers classified as common carrier…
Replying to @obfuscurity
good choice!
So proud to have had great @SalesforceWIT speakers at our internal DevOps conf. @reenamathew, @jeaninesw, Bala Subramanian, Christine Chau
RT @ryanguest: Dropping knowledge about #ContinuousDelivery at @SalesforceEng
photo credit: @reenamathew
DevOps in Practice, congrats @SoberBuildEng! http://oreil.ly/1A26ZaW
RT @Benioff: Were announ phase 2 of our @sfusdedtech program today with @SFUSD_Supe and @mayoredlee! A new grant for our schools. http://t.…
RT @reenamathew: Great time organizing my 2nd Internal DevOps conference at Salesforce with Ignite Talks, Panels, Breakouts, etc. http://t.…
OH: vagrant? You mean robo hobos?
RT @patrickdebois: the #devops jury is out - #devopsdays belgium schedule is being announced - watch it - http://devopsdays.org/events/2014-belgium/program/
RT @botchagalupe: Killer lineup for Devopsdays Ghent - Five Year Reunion ( http://ow.ly/Bt1iO )
RT @burr86 OH (not me! really!): "I'm going to make a beer and call it Traceroute. Because it has a lot of hops." <- the MTR of IPAs
Feeling very honored to have been selected to speak at #devopsdays Ghent. See y'all in Belgium in October!
RT @mariusducea: “Nothing kills innovation more than having to submit a ticket” #OpenStackSV
RT @SalesforceEng: Breaking news: our own @sukruthasays was named to The 30 Most Important Women Under 30 In Tech by Business Insider. http…
# of neurons in human brain: 10¹¹
# of synapses in human brain: 10¹⁵
# of IPv6 addresses: 3.4 x 10²⁸
#devopsdays Ghent
RT @patrickdebois: The #devopsdays Belgium program is looking awesome! Come party with us on the 5th anniversary of #devops - http://t.co/G…
RT @botchagalupe: Devops for Networks - 14 OCT 2014 - COMPUTER HISTORY MUSEUM, MOUNTAIN VIEW - http://ow.ly/BDvv6
Replying to @constantine_jn
isn't there though?
RT @KennellyHere: Sure beats a mini van. @xtracycle edgerunner
Happened upon horrific motor vehicle accident blocks from home. 40+ unsure people. Pulled out my rescue breathing kit. GET CPR CERTIFIED.
Replying to @gwestr
love my moto X
No matter how you slice it...brains.
#devopsdays Ghent
RT @obfuscurity: Happy to work for a company that understands the value of OSS and regards it as as motivator, not as a threat. Thanks @Lib…
Looking forward to spending some time at #puppetconf today and catching up with the puppet peeps! #SanFrancisco
Crazy and (awesome) things on the #puppetconf schedule. Werewolf without @littleidea, and a talk by @cwebber (of @chef). Amazing community.
RT @SalesforceEng: Our own @davemangot writes about our 4th #devops internal mini-conference: http://bddy.me/Y2AQUx
Thanks @puppetlabs for collecting so many of my favorite people all in one place! #puppetconf
RT @sempf: QA Engineer walks into a bar. Orders a beer. Orders 0 beers. Orders 999999999 beers. Orders a lizard. Orders -1 beers. Orders a …
@HirschOnAPM Interested in using SDLC graphic from http://www.appdynamics.com/blog/devops/devops-scares-me-part-4-dev-and-ops-collaborate-across-the-lifecycle/ in a public talk. How can I get permission?
Replying to @HirschOnAPM
you have a new follower on Twitter!
Oh wise Twitters, does anyone know who is the source of this #DevOps process graphic? Would like to attribute.
Replying to @odimulescu
did you create it?
Replying to @constantine_jn
Cobra and Destro better watch out.
Replying to @davemangot
h/t @odimulescu, @CollabNet is it possible to use your Endless Possibilities/infinite loop graphic with attribution?
RT @chadholdorf: Always said pushing to production every two weeks was ideal. Now I am experiencing it. @salesforce @kanbanPM @davemangot …
RT @wickett: RT @damonedwards Technology itself rarely matters (level playing field on web and mobile) but technical operations execution d…
I think we'd have a lot more empathy in this industry if y'all would stop talking about mocking each other's services!
Entertaining @novapbs this week. Extremely disappointing they intentionally confused "hacker" and "cracker".
Replying to @mariusducea
the grass is my backyard
RT @matthew_d_green: Nice five month summary of progress and directions from LibreSSL. Would be nice to see the same from OpenSSL! http://t…
RT @botchagalupe: Looking for "Lightning Talks" regarding networking and #devops ... ping me for ( http://www.devops4networks.org/ )
#devopsdays Belgium "What makes us moral is not only our capacity to be empathic, but our incapacity to silenc... http://amzn.com/k/JsSdCTzNQzWYt5NvAUGEaw
Replying to @courtneynash
read that same paper last night!