Video of the @SalesforceEng DevOps transformation talk presented at #DOES14 with @reenamathew
Video of my Cognitive Neuroscience of Empathy talk from #devopsdays Ghent
RT @ShipShowPodcast: (We chat w/ @davemangot, @SteveElsewhere, @KrisBuytaert,@garethr, @botchagalupe & @patrickdebois+music by @dlutzy!)
RT @bridgetkromhout: New blog post: The First Rule of DevOps Club (Thanks to @beerops and @mfdii for beta-reading.)
We only have one server at the moment...We want to make sure it continues to be fault tolerant. #shitrecruiterssay
RT @phrawzty: Suddenly, a wild #devopsdays blog post appears! It's super effective.
RT @peggymangot: Just saw booth babes hired by @TiplyApp at #Money2020 Can we please all agree this is inappropriate? @jonathanweiner
RT @puppetlabs: "We’ll keep trying to make the company better & make everyone’s job better, easier, & more fun." #devops at SFDC: http://t.…
President just said they're double and triple checking about building quality in instead?
Replying to @expa
why only startups?
"Productivity and stability are the usual excuses for turning creative human beings into mechanical adjuncts ...
RT @mindweather: Let’s not armor ourselves from feeling both pain and happiness of others.
Let’s work to alleviate suffering, and increas…
"The original purpose of a hierarchy is always to help its originating subsystems do their jobs better."
RT @Ramin_DK: I started reading it today on the strength of that quote, three pages in and I can already feel my thinking start to shift. @…
Awesome! @kshkuratoff of @SalesforceEng will be kicking off Day 2 of #devopsdays Vancouver this year. She's amazing!
Replying to @kshkuratoff
the world deserves to hear what you have to offer
RT @littleidea: @cloud_opinion I'll go with @lusis, @davemangot, @johndesser, @wickett, @iteration1 and @solarce for people just wanting to…
Replying to @michaelbolton and @palhed
assumption running same acceptance test 3x yields more accurate results? Or just bad test? Tests need quality too.
Replying to @michaelbolton
what is value of running same low level test multiple times in succession? (i.e. triple checking)
That moment when you realize your neighbor around the corner got busted by the Feds for starting Silk Road 2.0 #sanfrancisco
RT @cloud_opinion: Hey AWS folks, what the F is wrong with you - seriously - you used to be more sensible than this:
RT @RealGeneKim: Cool! Just added @reenamathew & @davemangot slideshare to "DevOps Cookbook" bibliography. :) Awesome, guys! #does14 http:/…
Replying to @michaelbolton and @palhed
or it can mean that your check is a "flapper" and needs improvement.
Replying to @michaelbolton and @palhed
relying on catching intermittent conditions via multiple invocations appears fragile. @moshjeier
Replying to @michaelbolton, @palhed and @moshjeier
that sounds more like exploratory testing which is not automated and thus not repeated
Replying to @ruthmalan
they added monitoring without a rewrite, next unit tests, etc.? Avoid waterfall testing is my proposal.
Replying to @michaelbolton, @palhed and @moshjeier
if you feel we build quality in by repeatedly manually testing then agree to disagree
Replying to @michaelbolton
seems to be much more about your semantics than whether 3 humans checking the same box is the right way
RT @moshjeier: To build quality in you need to start with a quality design, quality processes, code reviews and continuous and early feedba…
Replying to @michaelbolton
interesting, and you believe the POTUS is familiar with your defined nomenclature.
Replying to @michaelbolton
please see my original tweet in this thread
Replying to @michaelbolton
I would
"I’m hoping to interest you in Development Operations (Dev Ops) Role" #shitrecruiterssay
RT @mindweather: Hey, #devops folks, @bridgetkromhout’s great post on inclusivity in #devops is on the front page of HN! Vote it up: https:…
RT @digiphile: "I believe the @FCC should reclassify consumer broadband service under Title II of the Telecommunications Act"– @BarackObama…
Get #devops certified now, like RIGHT NOW! From last Friday's #hangops conversation. @cwebber @SteveElsewhere
Replying to @davemangot
My #devopsdays Belgium talk: The Cognitive Neuroscience of Empathy, You're a DevOps Natural @DiegoWoitasen
Tired of big companies talking out of both sides of their mouth wrt #NetNeutrality? Try a great local independent like @monkeybrainsnet
Replying to @phrawzty
RT @kshkuratoff: Looking forward to Devopsdays Vancouver coming up on friday - last year was awesome, great people and a fun event.
RT @gilesnelson: RT @brendamontreal:-> much truth in this.
RT @PyTrigger: Trigger 1.4.6 is out with a bug fix to hanging SSH connections on older Cisco equipment running IOS. …
Replying to @chorankates
better than cowsay!
Replying to @mindweather, @cwebber, @SteveElsewhere and @SoberBuildEng
that is awesome, thanks! (Merged!)
Replying to @moshjeier
I usually go with, app wasn't written for AWS #nontrivialfix
Replying to @davemangot
RT @mindweather: ... or, consider doing something like this, please: <- Yes! Yes! @rgevaert
Replying to @mindweather and @rgevaert
yes. Google doc, Github repo, something like that. Thanks Rudy. @phrawzty
Amen. "God grant us the serenity to exercise our bounded rationality freely in the systems that are structured...
Replying to @doodie
@kqedforum I think you're really trivializing the level of engineering in Stuxnet. Not teenager level stuff.
RT @garethr: One of the things I've been working on since I joined @puppetlabs: AWS provisioning using Puppet #puppe…
@jeffsussnca +3 points for use of "Neo-taylorist dystopian nightmare"
Replying to @dominicad, @SoberBuildEng, @SonOfGarr, @UberGeekGirl and @StevenMurawski
who doesn't like to move things to done?!?!
Replying to @allspaw
thankfully the ability to make that connection is hardwired into each of us
Replying to @TKEsmalls
walking distance to the Irish Bank ;)
Replying to @flowchainsensei and @YvesHanoulle
re:Golden Rule simply, long recognized our internal rep of others needs is part of interpersonal comm
Replying to @flowchainsensei
recent #AgileTD preso posted yet?
RT @MrAlanCooper: OH: "If you don't have any haters then you stand for nothing."
RT @daveherpen: Quick & good read: 117 takeaways from #DOES14 by @Siepmans. #DevOps sharing culture giving good vibes......…
Replying to @davemangot
Anyone can get certified @bridgetkromhout @petecheslock @rhoml @jeffsussna @obfuscurity @lusis @patrickdebois
Replying to @YvesHanoulle and @flowchainsensei
in this context was taken from
RT @jazzmule: People pay more to prevent pain to others than to themselves: fascinating hyper-altruism. Cool work, @mollycrockett! http://t…
Replying to @RealGeneKim and @reenamathew
obv. depends on service, can be simple as pulling power plug; each test has script with steps & expected outcomes
RT @stenvoon: @davemangot @RealGeneKim @reenamathew is that a "Chaos Mangot"?
Replying to @ralphtice, @RealGeneKim and @reenamathew
we hired someone from the Netflix simian army team!
@sf311 human poop between swings and merry go round, Franklin Square playground
RT @ChiefScientist: And @jboner kicks off #reactconf USA 2014!< w/the fabulous @PatHelland!
RT @derekmorr: Stop focusing on reliability and start focusing on resilience. #reactconf
Replying to @jeffsussna
an excellent human being!
RT @chadholdorf: Some days I don't understand why ppl think there is a difference between IT and product development. It's ppl working on s…
RT @Shelbee_SE: Check out some of the key themes noted during #DOES14. Amazing conference! Can't wait for next year!…
I just backed Spark Notebook: a place for your life plans and great ideas on @Kickstarter
"The way you learn is by experiment—or, as Buckminster Fuller put it, by trial and error, error, error."
DevOpsers gonna DevOps @moshjeier
RT @val_green: Every U.S. student can sign up for *unlimited free* access to O'Reilly Media books and videos via @timoreilly…
Flattered people consider me knowledgeable about empathy, if you want a real expert, I suggest following Dr. @SylviaMorelli at Stanford
Command & control: "scare your employees into mediocrity" - @UberGeekGirl
"Why do we visualize work? It's hard to manage invisible work" - @dominicad #DOES14
Replying to @jathanism
no contest
RT @doodie: Help make it happen for Gigabit Wireless to the Home #indiegogo via @indiegogo and @monkeybrainsnet
Every second of @sidneydekkercom interview on DevOps cafe just as good as you promised @botchagalupe. Still second to @jezhumble episode :)
RT @RealGeneKim: .@BethanyMacri talk on Morgue shows how culture drives tooling. “Tools are a cultural artifact” sez @cshl1 #devops /cc @al…
Replying to @gwestr
who uses slimy Uber anymore?
RT @nomadicj: New job title @davemangot?
Replying to @phrawzty
Happy Thanksgiving to all the talented SysEngs out there and everyone misclassified as a #DevOps engineer
RT @kvistgaard: "In intellectual history, everything happens twice, first as #philosophy and then as #cognitive science." Jerry Fodor