RT @swardley: "Some folk secretly hope others fail so they can get ahead. We should instead all hope for one another's success" @ezmobius
RT @mindweather: Register for the full-day Awesome Postmortems workshop, NYC, Jan 15 2015 http://bit.ly/12izkPS
Last day for $100 off
When working with people across multiple time zones, every meeting is during somebody's lunch time.
Replying to @SteveElsewhere
the Sandwich corollary to Greenwich's law
Replying to @moshjeier
time is not found, it's made
RT @aleszek: How PTOn Inspires Learning and Innovation from @aujoshi of @salesforceeng https://developer.salesforce.com/blogs/engineering/2014/12/pton-inspires-learning-innovation.html
When you have to read a crapton of Perl even though you've done nothing wrong. #opslife
Is it really possible the no one at Google uses Hangouts text chat on Yosemite? Shocking.
Working on this Perl problem makes me feel like I'm suffocating on the yak hair filling this rabbit hole. #opslife
RT @constantine_jn: Feel like there should be a Charles Dickens novel about the three ghosts of data center automation.
Oh, and a cripple…
RT @holman: San Francisco Death Storm Update: I have no power. I found this in a drawer. How do I turn it on? Do I eat it? help http://t.co…
Yeah, the Bay area infrastructure wasn't designed for this storm, we're soft, now pass me some of that locally grown organic zinfandel.
@SF311 backed up drain/flooding, SW corner, 21st and Florida
Replying to @davemangot
That time when you packaged up a brand new fpm hours before @jordansissel released a new version (fpm -s gem -t rpm fpm, one more time!)
RT @jayphilips: “You cannot inspect quality into a product. The quality is there or it isn’t by the time it’s inspected.”~W. Edwards Deming…
Replying to @gregoehmen
so everyone is interchangeable? Same job? #confused
Replying to @gregoehmen
I think you're confusing what is done with how it's done. Ops folks code too, still Ops.
When electrician uses a hammer, they do not become a carpenter. When Ops folks write code, they don't become Developers. #devops
#devops born out of recognition that Ops is a strategic differentiator, not merely a cost center. "Eliminate it" at your own peril.
When GOOG devs do rotation on SRE team, they are Ops writing code b/c that is team focus. When return, back to Dev #devops #itsnotthetools
RT @mselheimer: @davemangot @stack72 when developers carry shift duty for their apps, they don't become Operators?
Experienced systems engineer/#DevOps aficionado/change agent available https://www.linkedin.com/profile/view?id=147327
RT @peggymangot: You still use Uber? @lyft #SFin5Words
RT @wouterdanes: @PatHelland's excellent talk "Subjective Consistency" that blew my brains on the first day of #reactconf : https://t.co/6…
One of the things that impresses me most about the DevOps community is its dedication to community. Thanks to each and every one of you.
RT @stevejennings1: Get fired. Be punk. Do what you do, be who you are https://medium.com/@goonth/get-fired-be-punk-do-what-you-do-be-who-you-are-b05ee498a4fd @umairh @TomLaForge @jhagel @katrynadow @she…
Replying to @thefutureian
Great piece - The 10 Myths of DevOps - https://sethvargo.com/the-ten-myths-of-devops/ h/t @bridgetkromhout
Replying to @binford2k
Replying to @ryanguest
thanks, it was a good run. Keep up the kaizen!
RT @obfuscurity: A nice example of the sharp, small, composable monitoring tool. http://gorsuch.github.io/2014/12/28/canary-v1/ /ht @michaelgorsuch
We should not accept...label of "sharing economy" for...Uber...accurate term is "piecework subcontractor economy". https://stallman.org/uber.html
An old favorite -- Do the right thing...http://www.mengstupiditis.com/2011/06/do-right-thing-wait-to-get-fired.html thanks @royrapoport
An old favorite -- Do the right thing...http://www.mengstupiditis.com/2011/06/do-right-thing-wait-to-get-fired.html thanks @royrapoport