system is designed so we average < $20/mo. No advantage to surplus with PG&E.
RT @jazzmule: Rats avoid images of other rats in pain: more potential evidence for early-evolved empathy:
RT @tofo: "Cross functional team" does not mean "everyone can do every kind of work". It means "contains all the needed skills".
OH: Node.js's debugging environment is complete clownshoes
Replying to @antiheroine
wonder if they'll take husbands of female tech execs, oh crap, I'm too old
Replying to @phrawzty, @solarce and @hangops
RT @ShitDanWouldSay: I called the airline to ask how many docker containers I was allowed in the overhead bin. #DevOpsLolz
Thin-Slicing MDD: How We Choose Effective Operational Metrics
RT @RichRogersHDS: Anyone can offer your engineers more money. But, no one should be able to offer them more respect, greater opportunity o…
Replying to @solarce, @jeremy_carroll and @lintzston
slack totally nailed integrations/webhooks, otherwise agree, just IRC with web interface basically
@BeTheMatch don't you feel 2 robo calls, an email, and a text message in 3 days is a little excessive just to take your survey?
RT @chadholdorf: Why Saying This Four-Letter Word Can Transform Your Productivity #agile #kanban…
RT @SylviaMorelli: Having “been there” doesn’t mean I care: When prior experience reduces compassion for emotional distress.…
RT @TrendsCognSci: Time Flies When We Intend to Act: Temporal Distortion in a Go/No-Go Task | Journal of Neuroscience
RT @electriccloud: Minimum viable product should be called the minimum viable experiment. - @davemangot #c9d9 #DevOps h/t @damonedwards
RT @uri1803: Awesome #c9d9 lineup & content today @electriccloud @DimitrisPapatho @davemangot @samueldfell @yuvalyeret @anders_wallgren, th…
@uri1803 I used to be the sysadmin at Terracotta back in the day! (Competing w/ gigaspaces and gemstone)!
Oh @Cisco, you're so funny!
I'll be @awscloud summit on Thu in SF. Come find me if want to talk #DevOps, #monitoringlove, or my latest blog post
Replying to @mfdii
we'll leave the goats on for ya
RT @sdmouton: I thought the same thing @davemangot did re the Dev/Ops strawman set up by the name and graphics associated with early devops…
RT @sdmouton: when @RealGeneKim talked at #devopsdays Austin in 2013 he made it pretty clear that Dev and Ops weren't the only stakeholders…
Replying to @allspaw
wreaking havoc with alliteration for the folks at information dog HQ ladies and gentlemen
Replying to @sjmh
I know! Gotta fix that. I've got a few ideas brewing.
Replying to @solarce and @obfuscurity
do not like, would not use again (on any significant infrastructure). SSH push? For realz?
Replying to @pczarkowski and @obfuscurity
Replying to @retr0h, @pczarkowski and @obfuscurity
Replying to @obfuscurity, @retr0h and @pczarkowski
same with metrics and monitoring!
Replying to @solarce and @obfuscurity
total sysadmin holy war material, appreciate nonetheless 1.Can put lipstick on a pig 2.I try not 2 get attached 2 tool
Replying to @solarce
sure, recognizing favors established players
Replying to @solarce
takes time to develop community, testing, etc. Even 2 yrs ago puppet and chef had immature testing (4 yrs after I started w/Puppet)
RT @SylviaMorelli: Is focusing on the process more adaptive than focusing on the outcome when pursuing demanding goals?…
Amazon EFS. Very useful, chatty, crap protocol in the cloud. Um, yay?
RT @monkeybrainsnet: One #homeless tenant approached me today and said, "Now we won't have to steal WiFi from the neighboring hotel." #Dign…
RT @kellan: The work isn't to get to a state without problems, but rather to develop increased capacity to deal with new problems as they a…
RT @tveastman: "[Admins] lives are like pilots': mostly boredom, punctuated by moments of terror" @andrewgodwin
Replying to @_rayjenkins
what about people named Katz?
Replying to @_rayjenkins
RT @mindweather: The #devopsdaysNYC (Apr 30-May 1) program is awesome!
Don't miss the talks + the open spaces.
Register today. http://t.…
Replying to @DaveJosephsen
say hi to @SoberBuildEng for me!
Strange how comforting it is to find @SaltStackInc's salt.modules.hosts (like Puppet) after wrangling both Chef & Ansible this past week.
Replying to @littleidea
members of the mediocrity
Replying to @lolasoto
missing @sparkgift
Sharpening the Python sword to slay the Ruby dragon...As one does.each
RT @mindweather: Starting on the devops road? Hear how @toddwaits & @aaronvolk deal with the devops culture shock. Only @devopsdaysNYC http…
RT @rgevaert: Running your own #devopsdays event? Have a look at /cc @mindweather @davemangot
RT @sarahjeong: ADA lawsuit against that gross commuter bus company
"Progress + momentum = confidence."
Replying to @phrawzty
Swearing in your professional writing makes your message less heard, not more understood
Replying to @jathanism
sorry. Good thing you're so talented.
Replying to @littleidea
would be interesting. Plenty of empirical and anecdotal.
RT @upthecyberpunks: Privileged technical people have a social responsibility to _actually_ improve the world, rather than squabbling among…
Calculating the chances of getting a beer with @phrawzty or @UberGeekGirl this week
Replying to @eqe, @phrawzty and @rezendi
definitely don't mean to intrude, but a few years in SF (koff) means I'm good for helping pick a place
RT @runarorama: Sometimes the best way to shave a yak is to kill it.
Replying to @SteveElsewhere, @DevOpsDaysRox and @DaveJosephsen
<- hope you're getting in on this!
Gotta spin up a Windows machine on AWS to be able run the MS Azure Cost Estimator Tool to compare leaving Amazon? #needsmorewebapp #fml
Replying to @phrawzty, @eqe and @rezendi
welcome to the bay area!
RT @KrisBuytaert: When will people realize that if you package software in an actual RPM / DEB , delivery ends up being 10K times more si…
Sure @aphyr has written a few times about MongoDB probs, but oz for oz, still think they're the best coffee mug co.
RT @igb: @davemangot still waiting for v1.0 of MangotDB
RT @STEMbox: @shesgeeky Wow these are great unconference principles! #shesgeeky
Replying to @igb and @sheurich
tyranny of the toddler
Chalk is teap.
Replying to @jathanism
as a service
RT @Janos_TE: I'm not a DevOps...Are you an Agile? via @davemangot
Replying to @patrickdebois and @jeffsussna
live image migration (think RDS write master), URL load balancing, automatic RI discounts...
Instead of giving out another t-shirt for your conference, consider doing something for humanity instead
RT @noahsussman: The question "can I just automate away all the testers" has had a canonical answer since 1983 http:…
"Infrastructure doesn't really have an end state" - @Sirupsen
RT @papertrailapp: We're thrilled to announce that Papertrail is part of @SolarWinds and we're doubling down on awesome log management: htt…
RT @SwiftOnSecurity: NOTE: Java 7 is END OF LIFE.
As of Thursday. This Thursday. In 2 days. You have 2 days.
OK crazy excited about the platform we'll deliver with @pingdom, @Librato & @papertrailapp all part of the @solarwinds cloud #monitoringlove
Replying to @dominicad
pics or it didn't happen?!
Congrats to @petercnorton, @mindweather, and all the #devopsdaysnyc organizers for putting on what looks like a fantastic event!