RT @mindweather: #devopsdays NYC will contribute to:
1. @UNICEF Nepal Earthquake relief efforts
We encourage you…
RT @tyler_treat: "Resilience is more important than performance." So true. Doesn't matter how fast your car goes if it bursts into flames a…
Looks like empathy was a theme @#devopsdays this week. My 'You're a DevOps Natural' neuroscience talk, DoD Belgium http://bit.ly/1ONn9Sj
Replying to @jathanism
🎉🎩💏💐🔔👫? 🎉
Replying to @obfuscurity
also we supposedly have teladoc which can do prescriptions over the phone
RT @b6n: “Putting customers first made all the difference...No shortcuts, just hard work.” --@troyd http://www.geekwire.com/2015/bootstrapper-success-story-seattle-startup-papertrail-sells-to-solarwinds-for-41m-in-cash/
Replying to @jathanism
I knew you could do it!!! Congrats to you and the Mrs.
Jealous and proud of my @Librato ops teammates representing at #devopsdays Austin @hackenfoo @DaveJosephsen. Can't wait to try their ideas.
This cloud thing gives you freedom to quickly build stuff, but damn if it isn't easy to shoot both feet at the same time
Not even @#devopsdaysatx, throwing in $180 (10*חָי) to help my community help others, no one should go hungry #give https://twitter.com/ianrichardson/status/595372355028844545
Replying to @monkeybrainsnet
out in the mission, sending #hugops
RT @TrendsCognSci: New TiCS Forum article - Collective memory:new arena of cognitive study http://ow.ly/MwS9X - institutional knowledge?
Now that @idonethis has added goals to 'dones', all they need is blockers and they'd be a real agile speed standup facilitator.
Replying to @idonethis
thanks, we've done similar hacks with tags trying to turn @asana into a kanban tool
RT @pickover: All have same mean, variance, correlation, & regression line. Lesson: Always Visualize Data. http://bit.ly/1y3MMju http://t.…
RT @Monitorama: We’re releasing a small, exclusive batch of 10 tickets for sale this Friday at 12pm EDT. All proceeds to charity. http://t.…
RT @testobsessed: I prefer:
- Recovery over Perfection
- Predictability over Commitment
- Safety Nets over Change Control
- Collaboration o…
Geez if "I'm so lucky to be working with people this talented." doesn't beat "why do I put up with this crap"? every day of the week.
Devopsdays is a cultural conference disguised as a technical one
Replying to @JeremyGrosser
more worried about NSA than TSA
1st kicked myself for not learning Ruby earlier. Then kicked myself for not learning Python earlier. What did I learn? Stop kicking myself.
Replying to @solarce
congrats, very happy for you!
@philiph hangouts are weak!
RT @PsychNiles: Afraid of public speaking? Say so, it could help! Use affect labeling during exposure. http://bit.ly/1H3KOo3 @Anxietyorg…
RT @obfuscurity: Looking for engineers to help me build really cool stuff @Librato. Should enjoy data services, web apps, metrics, monitori…
RT @iteration1: Thank you all! #devopdsdays @CAFBTX https://twitter.com/wickett/status/598921512012263424
RT @jasonhand: The Happy Hour event is hopping!
@SteveElsewhere @DaveJosephsen< some awesome people!
RT @obfuscurity: I’m eternally grateful to the @Monitorama Angel ticket purchasers who helped us raise $9707.60 for @womenofmeans.
404 https://pypi.python.org/simple/dateutil/ :( @ThePSF
RT @social_brains: We all need more sleep. Somni is trying to do something about it. Help their kickstarter. Spread the word. http://t.co…
RT @SteveElsewhere: Front and centre with our metrics panel Gil Rice, @DaveJosephsen, @livshitz98 and @Cliffehangers at #devopsdays http://…
RT @SteveElsewhere: "The most important aspect of metrics is the human element" - @DaveJosephsen #devopsdays #devops
RT @Librato: #DevOps Funk by @DaveMangot-ode to @patrickdebois @botchagalupe @damonedwards http://libra.to/1IG5IxB
RT @GinaPera: @monkeybrainsnet SF homeless shelters woefully "under-wi-fi'd." This ISP stepped up to help. Kudos! http://tinyurl.com/lnjkp4u
RT @fanf42: .@patrickdebois if only we had some theory abt state convergence & actors promising to reach them in place of fragile imperati…
RT @_rayjenkins: Why are people always trying to hire ninjas, ninjas are notoriously difficult to find, they should try to hire programmers.
Replying to @mindweather
congrats! Love it when some of my favorite people get to work together. You'll do even greater things I'm sure.
Whole lot of thought leadering goin' on @botchagalupe @RealGeneKim @wickett
OH: writing good automated tests of code is harder than writing good code
RT @damonedwards: @RealGeneKim @DOESsummit crew & too many brilliant people to mention: Thanks for an inspirational 2 days sharing tales fr…
A bias of which I had not heard...equality bias (and group decision making) http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/m/pubmed/25775532/
If you want to make it MY problem, then make it my problem.
RT @JeffKositsky: @HamFamCtrSF thanks @mayoredlee @RonConway @Benioff @MarkFarrellSF for working to end homelessness. Let's do this! http:/…
RT @vkhosla:
RT @Monitorama: Our schedule is now (mostly) complete. Enjoy! http://monitorama.com/#schedule
RT @dominicad: Really needed to takes notes last week from @davemangot's summary of improving security via #devops. @wickett
RT @kevinbehr: indeed - thanks Pankaj!
Great presentation by @AlTobey on @cassandra tonight. Perfect mix of advanced and beginner level info. http://www.meetup.com/CassandraSF/events/217088742/
"I've always felt, as a philosophy in life, it's better to make the dust than eat the dust." - Paul Polman
RT @allspaw: "Operations Engineering is a specialized skill set. It's not 'software engineering lite.' @mipsytipsy #velocityconf
Replying to @bridgetkromhout
I fit in both buckets, arrggh!
Congrats to @jaydumars @fcnewtech @stenvoon and the whole @RallySoftware team! Exciting times ahead.
RT @velocityconf: sFlow is like counting fish... But much, much cooler @CloudAngst #velocityconf
RT @AbstractaUS: DevOps Across the Enterprise: Moving Past Dev and Ops http://blog.librato.com/posts/devops-across-the-enterprise @DaveMangot #DevOps #enterprise
Replying to @kartar
cog sci majors align medial prefrontal cortex activations for maximal... ok, ok, unite!
RT @selenakyle: organic lo-carb cyber gravy train: sand hill road station. all aboard, this is the end of the line.
@activeapi http://recreation.gov API is shut down because of no new accounts. Affiliate application 404s, so blocked, how to access data?
Replying to @cwebber
check out Ubermix
RT @benjammingh: San Francisco, I get it, I love cyberpunk sci-fi too. But could you do something involving cool tech, rather than just dys…