Felt crazy blessed plotting the future with my talented @Librato ops team today, now including @petercnorton! #stillhiring
Containers in a nutshell: "Look ma! No GRUB!"
Just a crazy gorgeous day for @Librato hack day!
RT @sammaule: Great job @peggymangot Part of @Innotribe's Power Women in FinTech Index http://bit.ly/1Jrojzm
Not clear on the concept
Deleted @Uber off my phone and replaced it with @FlywheelNow as my secondary behind @lyft. #valuesmatter
RT @sadoperator: VENDOR: to make your life easier we built the DevOps Management Console™
ME: console?
VENDOR: just open your web browser..…
RT @obfuscurity: So I wrote a thing about the origins of @Monitorama over on the @Librato blog. http://libra.to/1L21P8M #monitoringlove
Protip: spell check your slides people. Shows respect for your audience. Doesn't distract from your presentation.
RT @WFMU: RIP Ornette: http://nytimes.com/2015/06/12/arts/music/ornette-coleman-jazz-saxophonist-dies-at-85-obituary.html
RT @importantshock: "They're porting pf to Solaris. Nobody has ported iptables anywhere. Except the trash can." — @potsdamnhacker
RT @DaveJosephsen: In three days ill be @Monitorama talking about stream processing! So excite!
As someone who was lucky enough to work with/for some amazing women scientists early in my career, the #distractinglysexy hashtag is great!
OH: you can stop whisper screaming, everyone can hear you
I'd say the 5th bullet point makes the purchase of this SSD worth it all by itself
@Ustream #monitorama livestream audio is clipping
RT @nonsenso: "Monitoring is not an optional feature." @kartar <- THIS. SO YES MUCH THIS! #monitorama
RT @allspaw: Yes, I do wish I was at #monitorama.
Need 2 find place for @_lennart 2 give talk, all ur coworkers r w/@obfuscurity @#monitorama, @jeremy_carroll's coworkers r w/u @ bar #love!
Replying to @mcddjj
regrettably no
So proud of Ops team member @DaveJosephsen for positively killing it at #monitorama talking about how we do stream processing @Librato
Because harassing journalists & degrading women isn't enough, now it's after cyclists & pedestrians. Thanks Uber! http://www.sfbike.org/news/stand-up-against-uber-for-a-truly-safer-market-street/#.VYC8U7Hm0I4.twitter
If you liked @DaveJosephsen's #monitorama talks & want to work with him & other talented folks like him @Librato, yes, actually I am hiring!
RT @joecise: @DaveJosephsen @obfuscurity Thanks for being the James Mickens of this year. :-)
Replying to @obfuscurity
good because instead of kicking myself repeatedly for missing it, I can look forward to hanging with you in Europe
RT @SFlogging: Come join us this Wed as @_lennart of @graylog2 presents @taulia about the latest in the @graylog2 project! http://t.co/N4Rt…
After not remembering which Star Trek character was the file server, Ops people learn to get real boring & descriptive with their naming
Welcome to SF Bay #dockercon partying people. Please leave any actual containers you find on ships where you found them. Thanks.
Replying to @TopoPal
no, but I live in SF
Replying to @TopoPal
I'm around all week, hosting a Meetup Wed night
RT @peternealon: Totally love this presentation by @DaveJosephsen from #monitorama 2015 https://vimeo.com/131502995 Great job, still pondering …
RT @lissijean: An MVP is an experiment that teaches you something you didn't know, not a Version 1 where you know the outcome going in. #Le…
Replying to @JeremyGrosser
less cars=less traffic, not other ways to transport cars
Enterprise DevOps. Ask @RealGeneKim if E.D. is right for you.
h/t @pczarkowski
Replying to @pczarkowski and @RealGeneKim
an Apple MBP a day keeps the DevOp away
Replying to @JeremyGrosser
thankfully, we live on a peninsula, not an island
RT @allspaw: Slide from our talk coming up #REA6 /cc @zperkov
"There is a healthy lack of respect you gain for the things that run the Internet after a while" - @petercnorton lolz
Looking forward to seeing everyone at the @SFlogging MeetUp tonight! http://www.meetup.com/Logging/events/223365984/
RT @ikarzali: People in the modern world need nothing and want everything.Your kids are beautiful because they want nothing and need everyt…
New favorite time appropriate #DevOps t-shirt spotted this morning:"Read-Only Friday"
Replying to @UberGeekGirl
congrats Jessica!
San Francisco, great murals in a jiffy!
Replying to @littleidea