The leap second, your periodic reminder that your "change moratorium" does not in fact, stop impacting change in your infrastructure
RT @mfdii: There is only one "Enterprise DevOps", this is it. Everything else is DevOps in the Enterprise.
Working the booth at AWS Chicago, as one does
Door-to-door #cloud salesman
Replying to @mheffner
always be clouding
RT @DaveJosephsen: wherein @rcrowley talks about how @SlackHQ uses @Librato to time round-trip API interactions client-side and more: http:…
Replying to @littleidea
didn't know you had a dog
The hand wringing will continue until the next thing to wring hands about is retweeted.
Replying to @destroytoday and @Librato
possible you're including the protocol in the Host: options? Are you using Contact support@?
RT @velocityconf: How do you maintain consistency across 1000s of machines quckly & securely? @thatch45 #DevOps http…
We'll take a desktop OS and just pretend it's a server OS. It'll be fine they said. Donut worry, they said. #Ubuntu
Replying to @postwait
agree in general, but it's not a uniformly offensive ecosystem
Level up your #ops team, send all your Nagios alerts through Snapchat. "Hmm, was that 3 digits of latency or 5?" h/t @danstondin
RT @jazzmule: Great op-ed on the growing argument that empathy is a motivated choice, from @DCameron84 @minzlicht & @WilCunningham: http://…
RT @hallie_parry: The problem with standing desks and good headphones is fighting the constant urge to air guitar. #nerdworldproblems
@monkeybrainsnet about 50% packet loss since 13:10 today, internal network 0%, reboots no help. Barely usable at this point.
Replying to @monkeybrainsnet
smoke ping attached
Replying to @monkeybrainsnet
sent via DM
RT @comay: Women Make Up Approximately 25 Percent of the @NASANewHorizons Flyby Team
"Given the choice, I’ll always pick 30 minutes of questions at 1 AM over 3 hours of firefighting at 2 AM" #opslife
RT @DaveJosephsen: @davemangot schoolin me this morning yall.
DevOps is not about learning each other's job, it's understanding the money is made when software is actually running in production.
Replying to @stephendv and @wimremes
bad software does not "run" in production, it fails, thereby delivering less value. Quality matters as well as speed.
Turned folks at work onto @somafm today with a mix of Groove Salad, Space Station Soma and Left Coast 70s, yissss!
RT @OpenSourceOrg: Yeah, @jathanism's is an internet sec badass—Python hacker—alpha geek & makes things go boom, but he's also been an OSI …
Honored to have one of my blog posts referenced in the #StateofDevOps report 2015 @puppetlabs #devops @RealGeneKim
Replying to @gwestr
good sysadmins never run the dot oh releases!
RT @jazzmule: Can psychology help us address "empathic failures" (e.g., between groups in conflict)? @profcikara and I chime in: http://t.…
RT @damonedwards: @jeffsussna @joeknape My point: focus on quality, confidence, agility & the speed just happens. Reverse not true.
RT @kateldn: I just gave AAPL as an investment gift. It took me a while to re-find this site so I'm bookmarking it @sparkgift…
RT @_lennart: @jordansissel thanks for fpm! :)
RT @ejazhaider: today, i met someone who said he disliked mangoes. i looked at him closely to see how misfortune looked in human form, than…
Lots of the interwebs riding the great AWS us-east-1 coaster right about now.
Replying to @davemangot
Congrats @bridgetkromhout, and you too @littleidea!
@macros glad you're still with us