...and into pro-duc-tion!!! With mad props to @jezhumble and @davefarley77 (and of course NWA and Dr. Dre)
RT @jaykreps: Anatomy of a homegrown stream processing system @Librato http://blog.librato.com/posts/superchief
Replying to @botchagalupe
only $24?!?
RT @auxesis: "Operator compliance with automation decreases as the false alarm rate increases" http://www.atsb.gov.au/media/5734172/RO-2014-001_FINAL%20REPORT.pdf https://t.co/iGgWexE…
Replying to @lynxbat
playing it on the office speakers
RT @pawelbrodzinski: We're born as motivated, curious and collaborative learners. We die deprived of these skills. (Deming) http://t.co/KYo…
Replying to @jathanism
Replying to @SteveElsewhere
one floor up is the amazing and free @Librato office
Replying to @DaveJosephsen and @SteveElsewhere
don't make us disrupt 6 floors of millennials uh, disrupting, to search for you
RT @neil_killick: 1. Set individual performance targets.
2. Do individual performance appraisals.
3. Wonder why nobody's collaborating or…
RT @SteveElsewhere: So glad I got the chance to catch the awesome @DaveJosephsen and @davemangot before skipping out of SF https://t.co/gpx…
RT @iAmTheWhaley: “AWS bad idea theatre” from @nonsenso http://www.slideshare.net/nonsenso/aws-bad-idea-theatre-56027786 < Insightful & simple
ahhh, the sweet smell of tech debt, how I've missed you...
Replying to @MaplewoodATX and @thefutureian
how do you ❤ something multiple times??
Replying to @doodie
heck no, maybe try one of the oil filled electric heaters?
Replying to @botchagalupe
so are we gonna do something with http://devopskata.org? I've had it for years already at this point.
Replying to @bridgetkromhout
nice double entendre!
RT @wendtse: Awesome: "-Are you a #DevOps? ... -Of course not, are you an #Agile?" (by @davemangot)
Replying to @calvinhp
I'm energetic! 😉
Replying to @doodie
deep thoughts
RT @atreat: "Travel is Fatal"
Replying to @coda
bench press?
Replying to @coda
good luck. After my 3rd cuff tear, went old school calisthenics and never looked back.
Spend time with those outside your immediate functional area. #empathy #devops https://twitter.com/zakijam/status/679376781225279490
Replying to @sherod
is that actually the bar? Do you currently share the road with perfect drivers? Where do you live?
If you never do more than you can do, you will never be more than you are right now - Kung Fun Panda
RT @erikbeebe: Wondering how many other people are using @Librato to graph progress BBQing a brisket right now #greenegg #python https://t.…
RT @jimomal77: @peggymangot gave $DIS to nephew and nieces via @sparkgift - I'm telling everyone! The 3 kids (8,10,11) were so excited w/ …
RT @obfuscurity: Really proud of everything we achieved this year @Librato. It was a challenge but totally worth it.
RT @debian: Debian is saddened to share the news of the passing of Ian Murdock. We will miss him dearly. https://bits.debian.org/2015/12/mourning-ian-murdock.html
1451606400? I'm still writing 1420070400 in all my code. 🎉