Great overview of learning reviews by @mindweather - <-- correct link
RT @TomekOstrowski: To production in 3 minutes using @travisci @heroku @github @Librato @SlackHQ
RT @bitfield: It's weird that if you want space-age Docker tech, you've got to go back to the stone age of config management (****ing shell…
RT @gdibner: For $*@)@$ sake it does not take "AI" to predict that a user who searches for "coffee" is likely to want a coffee.
Replying to @RealGeneKim
2 yo article with figures lacking any context. I've run this analysis in context with very different result.
RT @Leadershipfreak: Using authority to control people means you've lost the leadership battle.
Replying to @RealGeneKim
ha, at happy hour already Gene? ;)
RT @monkeybrainsnet: $50 rebate to any MonkeyBrains customer who purchases an Eero unit in June. Email us receipt!
Unless your #ThoughtsAndPrayers are made of Kevlar, keep them and pass legislation instead.
RT @DaveJosephsen: pretty sure this one is gonna get a lot of use in the coming weeks..
RT @sparkgift: Sparkgift has been Acquired by Stockpile! Making it Easier Than Ever to Give Investments as Gifts vi…
RT @CodeWisdom: "One accurate measurement is worth more than a thousand expert opinions." - Admiral Grace Hopper
RT @DaveJosephsen: in case you newbs were wondering what REAL ops looks like..
I repeat the maxim I learned from @absoludicrous all the time: "Maximize the work not done"
Replying to @jeremy_carroll
boooooo! Gonna miss you Jeremy.
A'ight @Monitorama, a few days of spending time with old friends and making new ones, let's do this!
Replying to @igb
looking forward to it!
Presenters @Monitorama, please stop saying "You guys". Look around the room at your audience.
Replying to @bridgetkromhout and @kelseyhightower
same with documentation cc/ @damonedwards
Replying to @awaterma and @Monitorama
"y'all", FTW. It's going to be part of the English language, just a matter of time.
At @Monitorama, @petecheslock confirms my suspicion that if you've sysadmin'ed long enough, you've run a script called 'netmon'
RT @jasonhand: 3 a.m. sure does get a bad rap.
We practice DDD, dollar driven development - @terribledev
Replying to @benj_fry and @moshjeier
lol, Ops provides the platform and the oversimplification!
Replying to @benj_fry
ops. Provides=builds
Replying to @benj_fry
Ops writes software too
RT @solarce: 💥💥💥💥💥💥💥
@igb you were right, great #monitorama talk by the flock
@rberger here's the paper on compliance I was talking about
After seeing the # of oncall pages/wk in the presos by @beerops & @joeyparsons @Monitorama, wonder if we're all classifying in the same way
Nerves are good. We only get nervous when we want to do our best. - James Corden
I donated to support women in engineering because SF values #carsmorethanpeople