Wish I hadn't missed the @CODE2040 #summit2040 reverse job fair, I'm hiring. http://solarwinds.jobs/san-francisco-ca/operations-engineer/658647F2A308440BB83676936C7AA3FD/job/
RT @DaveJosephsen: @davemangot wanted me to show you the smoothing effect haproxy balancing is having on our RDS instances https://t.co/vCF…
.@petercnorton: "I've got the produciton hosts ready to go into production"
Me: "Uhhh, pcn..."
Replying to @hardyjohnson, @tweets_so_fresh and @DaveJosephsen
Replying to @randomfrequency and @DaveJosephsen
RT @benjodom: When you realize that @mheffner has been moonlighting as an Olympian