Watching @mheffner from @librato kick some @cassandra knowledge at #Reinvent
Giving props to @thelastpickle is @Librato's @mheffner at #reinvent2016
Watching @Librato's @petercnorton drop OpsEng knowledge about @cassandra at #reinvent2016
Replying to @moshjeier
I wanted to see that talk, bah
Replying to @stack72
either @DaveJosephsen or @JonathanMickle should be able to assist
Replying to @sdmouton, @petecheslock and @jasonhand
DevOps drinks, lol
Replying to @sdmouton, @jasonhand and @petecheslock
lol, can't tell if serious!!
Replying to @sdmouton, @jasonhand and @petecheslock
what is the libation 20?
RT @mckeeh3: Resilient systems don’t have failures, they are nothing more than expected events
Welcome to @Librato @pengwynn!
Replying to @petercnorton
you wear it well
RT @benarent: The @Librato office is looking extra festive today!
@StoneClinicPT is this the before or after picture? Hmmm.
RT @velocityconf: .@DaveJosephsen's reference guide helps you pick the right monitoring tool for your problem https…
RT @rogie: Right. On.
RT @ldavidmarquet: Bosses try to fix people.
Leaders fix the environment.
RT @davidjbland: Agile Transformation is a lot like Karate Kid, except while you're painting the fence Miagi is fired & you never learn why…
RT @Monitorama: The PDX 2017 Call for Participation is officially open!
RT @superfell: The @lyft android app is really nicely done, well done @pmorelli and team.
RT @jcsrb: retweet if your first IDE was blue
RT @velocityconf: .@DaveJosephsen summarizes 25 different #opensource monitoring tools & how well it fits into your environment https://t.c…
RT @tottinge: George always says "if you can't trust the people you hire, you should get better at hiring or better at trusting; maybe both…
RT @jhagel: At same time, beware of bugs in new technology: a bug in fMRI software could invalidate 15 years of brain research…
Happy Holidays. My "Mastering DevOps" video course is available for $5 (yes only 5 USD!) thru the beginning of Jan!
I think 1 time things often turn into 16,17,18 time things. - @lindvall
I'm curious to see all the skrilla & the horror that the Terraform user community cranks out as a result. Onward…
RT @VoiceofIvana: Would someone please read my god damn article, please?
Replying to @copyconstruct
I've had people interviewing for a position clearly titled "Operations Engineer" refer to it as "a DevOps" *smh*
RT @kshkuratoff: DevOpsDays Vancouver 2017 early-bird tickets are now on sale!
RT @iteration1: .@lcalcote demoing a container network visualizer using d3 running on a kubernetes cluster.
Replying to @obfuscurity
who knew Chez Maman had so many locations!
RT @postwait: Beyond every tragic day is a euphoric one; the opposite is also true. Life is a rollercoaster until you die; make sure you e…
Replying to @copyconstruct
if it takes an entire company to deliver a product to customer, what does a DevOps team do?
Replying to @copyconstruct
teams don't practice DevOps, systems do. A silo "practicing DevOps" doesn't increase global flow, see @realgenekim 1st way
Replying to @copyconstruct
we all do!