What rolls down stairs...LOGS! You love 'em, you use 'em, be a hero to all your tech friends and lead OpsEng @papertrailapp in SF. DM me.
RT @DoDAustin: Our CFP is calling for you! https://www.papercall.io/devopsdays-austin - 2/14 -- 6th Annual #DevOpsDays Austin! Come for the DevOps, stay for…
I wonder if The Google Effects and YouTube apps will no longer work after April 25, 2017.
I just submitted a talk proposal for @DoDAustin and you should too! https://www.papercall.io/devopsdays-austin Call closes on 2/14.
RT @benarent: Polish Friends. Librato is hiring RoR and a UX designer in Kraków. https://www.librato.com/jobs Feel free to DM me for more info.
Replying to @botchagalupe
never looked back, not even once
Replying to @jameshillia
We fixed @Librato snapshots about 90 minutes ago. Should be good to post to @SlackHQ (we are) https://twitter.com/2397935060/status/836656919737589760