One of my favorite things about my Cognitive Neuroscience of DevOps talk is always finding new material.
RT @JonathanMickle: "I am just over here unjamming printers in the cloud!"
RT @rothgar: No amount of containers, kubernetes, config management, cloud, automation, etc. will fix bad code
Migration of personal Internet presence from @Rackspace to @googlecloud complete.
RT @damonedwards: Just like great abs are made in the kitchen, not in the gym... great operations is made in development, not in production.
Replying to @pczarkowski
Reading up on Envoy from @lyfteng. If the results match the docs, very impressive. Goodbye @awscloud ALB?
Really fantastic post on Envoy, observability, and the "cloud native" part of the industry by @copyconstruct
Replying to @copyconstruct
Happy to explore DevOps/Ops/SRE dichotomies over beers, but you might be buying! Good summation, focus on the goal, not the nomenclature.
Reminder: #DevOps is an international cultural movement, not a buzzword, job title, software category, etc.
Replying to @randomfrequency
Not apples to apples, either solution could fall short. Currently ALB falling short.
RT @mjg59: I'm not actually good at computers I'm just bad at giving up
Replying to @mipsytipsy and @jeffsussna
Agreed, glad my "ops" jobs are no longer incentivized in this way.
RT @cpswan: Our industry seems obsessed with provisioning (day 1) over ongoing operations (day 2+)
Replying to @DaveJosephsen
Smells like... Opportunity
RT @luckytran: Y'all! The #marchforscience in Uganda is beautiful!!! #globalmarchforscience
I remember trying to upgrade the customer database without testing the restore. The upgrade failed, so did the restore. No more database.
Junior Ops lesson,
The right answer is out there,
Look first in the logs.
RT @selenakyle: i'm psyched to be added to the lineup at Velocity! woo!
RT @profcikara: People think out-group members are just as good as in-group members 'deep down.' This belief attenuates intergroup bias! Pr…
RT @cread: Ansible really is the Apache Maven of config management tools. And I don't mean that in a good way...
RT @sarahmei: "We need to change our vernacular when we talk about hiring diversely. We don't want 'culture fit' - we want 'culture add.'"…
RT @selenakyle: the @OReillySecurity CFP is open: looking forward to hearing your ideas for making security stronger, better, easier, & at…
RT @melindathrasher: "The right automation enables human connection rather than replace it." #devopsdays @nellshamrell…
RT @JonathanMickle: @HashiCorp if we mix Consul with @lyfteng Envoy do we finally get a Convoy!?
OH: Protip, inform your sh*t umbrella in advance, if you're gonna make it rain
Replying to @iteration1
Hang in there buddy!
Replying to @mf_long
Is "dudeshutup" a word?
Replying to @wickett and @goserverless
Replying to @wickett and @goserverless
$ ka-ching $
This _absolutely_ tears my heart out. If your employer doesn't treat you with respect, change employers. Please!
Replying to @petercnorton
RT @mipsytipsy: #serverlessconf 2016 "#NoOps lolol"
#serverlessconf 2017: "anyone kno how to monitor this thing? u guise???"
"DevOps is Not a Profession" "How to become a DevOps" @copyconstruct #howdoIevenLinkedIn
RT @GirlsinTech: #GITCatalyst: June 20-22 in SF—raw, gritty Tedx-style talks from the top leaders in #startups and #tech…
Replying to @copyconstruct
I would sooo love a checkbox on the conference form, next to the T-shirt sizes, that said "donate the money to charity instead"
RT @mattbarcomb: "productivity and stability are the usual excuses for turning creative human beings into mechanical adjuncts" - Donella Me…