Seems like there are number of products/projects that can do this, no?
Replying to @jpaulreed, @SonOfGarr, @scottnasello, @nicolefv and @grepory
Replying to @moshjeier
Enjoying my bike commute by the SF Bay this a.m. w/bikes, runners, & boosted boards flying by, I thought of all the SF haters...hate away.
Replying to @obfuscurity
Charging! 😈
Replying to @obfuscurity
ur not wrong
Replying to @obfuscurity
Heh, I intend to ride the BB this summer, do what you love!
Your periodic reminder - Operability is not optional
Replying to @ProjectPedalCA
20-25 minutes
RT @selenakyle: automated alerts describing themselves as "friendly reminders" are a big hint that sentient AI is prob'ly going to be passi…
RT @nicolefv: Look what I have!!!! #DOES17 @jezhumble @RealGeneKim
Just finished @skamille's The Manager's Path. Full of great perspectives. I'd call it: The Self-Aware Engineer's Guide To Leadership. 👍
Replying to @ProjectPedalCA
Bike or skates since at least 2002
RT @_rayjenkins: devops never fails to amaze me.
Replying to @ProjectPedalCA
Do you prefer strawberry or chocolate?
Thanks Ruby. All I need is a number that is greater than 1, and less than 0. My life is complete. This is why we can't have...
Replying to @ryan_maclean
Repeat after me: there is no such thing as a "second glitch"
RT @mipsytipsy: Reminder that your green field coding skills are about as useful as your Renaissance Art degree. 😘
RT @mike_julian: The next SF Metrics Meetup is on June 27th! Come hear @jpaulreed and @JTCunning talk about monitoring.…
RT @bridgetkromhout: Dear friends whose employer turned out to be not great at all, please talk to people you trust! Guaranteed there's a b…
Replying to @davemangot
To be clear, once is a glitch, twice is a pattern
Replying to @jathanism
A bug? :)
Replying to @jathanism
Hold on to that feeeeling!
@Ramin_DK congrats on the Puppetconf talk!
RT @allspaw: .@British_Airways Please consider including @ddwoods2 and @ri_cook for your independent review of the recent IT incident. #dev…
Protip: Don't call yourself a "rockstar" anything on your resume unless you play in a band. Also, I'm hiring for SRE in SF.
Replying to @andol
That's what I thought too, until I just saw a CV with "rockstar DevOps engineer" (with < 2 years of experience). Wow.
Replying to @randomfrequency and @stack72
15 years DevOps experience
RT @JohnKingSFChron: Love love LOVE this reflection of Salesforce Tower against 535 Mission, though it probably lasted only a moment https:…
Replying to @UberGeekGirl
Fundamental attribution error FTW??
Replying to @phoch00
He's combining that with Facebook, Instagram, etc. and not accounting for dups. Because maths.
My @awscloud rep asked me which departments my team wanted to talk to this morning. I said ECS, ECR, EMR, and Produce.
RT @rands: This four-letter word is the Swedish key to happiness at work:
Replying to @bridgetkromhout
"We aren't the Highlander", omg, priceless. Also 👍
@JonathanMickle: "dammit, I'm always oncall at the most inconvenient times"
@petercnorton; "we all are"
RT @EricMinick: "The only sustainable competitive advantage is an organization's ability to learn faster than the competition" - Peter Seng…
Feel really lucky to be mentoring with @Code2040 this year. Learned so much today. Thanks for a great welcome weekend.
Protip: Don't tell me how personalized your recruiting service is if you're going to open your email with "Dear Hiring Manager".
Replying to @postwait
Differentiated business individual?
RT @benj_fry: There's a special place in hell for people who destroy public property; and a special place inside that for those that destro…
My Mastering DevOps course just passed 1,000 students on Udemy! ( Thank you! Keep changing the industry.
RT @mike_julian: Hey folks! The next SF Metrics Meetup is June 27 (next Tues)! Come hear @jpaulreed and @JTCunning talk monitoring. https:/…
We're planning on tackling DevOps security as soon as we finish with Kanban security.