Just realized Python is my rebound language from all those years with Perl
Wow, if both @phrawzty and @VoiceofIvana are joining @algolia at the same time, something good must be happening over there!
Replying to @moshjeier
Ooooh! I know DevOps!
I'm giving this talk tomorrow about how we do metrics driven development @Librato. Check it out! https://twitter.com/devopsdotcom/status/887012192633188356
Replying to @moshjeier
OMG, that's the reason I bought my @BoostedBoards
RT @pczarkowski:
RT @PicardTips: Picard management tip: Make it so the crew has real time monitoring of your enterprise's critical systems.
RT @OpenSourceOrg: Can't thank @jathanism enough: 5yrs of support for #OpenSource Initiative as a member, & a volunteer on our behalf for m…
Replying to @giano and @mfdii
"strong opinions weakly held"
RT @LegoNASAWomen: On July 20, 1969 #Apollo11 landed men on the moon. Here's to Margaret Hamilton, the programmer who led the coding team t…
Sometimes I feel like my Kindle Fire is the Moopets of Android tablets
@StubHub, I should really be able to buy 2 and 3 tickets for the same event in a single transaction. #friction
Often... Your choices are what someone else has chosen.
RT @idjohn: .@selenakyle kicking off @BSidesLV #BSidesLV w a rhyming preso Something Wicked ... #cyber #hackersummercamp https://t.co/Uklvs…
RT @k8em0: Damn, @CNN @CNNMoney @NPR needs to get @selenakyle on the air to talk about economics & markets in terms of security risk manage…
Replying to @JonathanMickle, @botchagalupe, @GaTechEngineers and @asuonline
Agreed. Matlab is good for rapid experimentation, Perl is good for... learning Ruby?
My job as a manager is to help you succeed. Period. If you're successful, I'm successful. #winning
Replying to @lindvall
Smokeping!!!! ♥️♥️♥️
RT @papertrailapp: Detect when a cron job, backup, or other recurring job doesn't run with inactivity alerts: http://blog.papertrailapp.com/cron-job-monitoring-and-alerts/ https…
Replying to @petecheslock
Who needs coffee?
Replying to @littleidea and @pczarkowski
Be very afraid
Replying to @DOES_USA and @RealGeneKim
Thank you, but wrong white paper 😓
RT @ufried: following discussions on social media, i often get the impression that opinion replaced knowledge - in a world with more knowle…
Sysadmins, OpsEng, SRE, InfraEng, TechOps, SiteOps, SysEng, WebOps, IT Ops, MIS, DevOps Eng, whatever color you paint it, Much ♥️ to you all
RT @selenakyle: target. hacker tricks get sold outside targets. https://twitter.com/SwiftOnSecurity/status/891714015642169346