Will try and worship you even moar Dixon
Replying to @obfuscurity
Therein lies the paradox!
RT @SylviaMorelli: infants view helping as expected among individuals from the same group, but as optional otherwise http://www.pnas.org/content/114/31/8199.short?rss=1
RT @littleidea: SRE write software
The longer I do this, the more I realize almost every problem is a communication problem (or DNS)
RT @QuinnyPig: “We sell sweaters, why are we building a bespoke container orchestration system?” is sometimes the hard question to ask. htt…
Getting really fascinated with GraphQL lately. https://twitter.com/github/status/893490451184967680
After years of making cultural change, it's SO unbelievably hard, just can't understand people who attack allies for imperfect alignment.
Replying to @igb
Ha ha. The stench of the lower East side/Chinatown on a summer day of things rotting in the heat...OMG.
Replying to @phrawzty, @airfrance and @algolia
The rest of your SF friends are chopped liver?? 😂
To the Google manifesto author: got an AWFUL LOT of apologizing, growing up, & learning to do before you'd ever work on any of my teams
Replying to @wpiman
Aha! A voice lashing out completely without context, it's a theme now! Huzzah!
Replying to @Shug_2k
*scratches head*
Replying to @Shug_2k
I'm scratching my head because I'm registered as an independent but you felt comfortable making an uneducated generalization... Oh wait...
Replying to @Shug_2k
Only liberals are open minded? I'm learning so much.
Replying to @Shug_2k and @JonathanMickle
I sincerely hope that the irony of apologizing for stereotyping while defending a stereotyper is not lost upon you.
RT @KuraFire: Much excellent #GoogleManifesto coverage, but one major aspect has been mostly ignored: history COMPLETELY disagrees with Goo…
Replying to @RP_McMurphy1963
Inability to apply systems thinking which results in degradation of performance of the entire system disqualifies.
Replying to @RP_McMurphy1963
I'm talking about systems thinking and systems performance and you're beginning a discussion about wage gap. #notinterested
RT @sdmouton: How bout you come at me if you wanna pick on a woman in tech, you spineless cowards. https://twitter.com/jilljubs/status/895070545238048768
Replying to @amyengineer and @solarce
For me, it was always "the firewall" which is pretty funny when you're out of toner. *Shrugs*
Also with security requirements satisfied. https://twitter.com/dominicad/status/895279125371510784
This human meat doll "literally cannot right now". https://www.mcsweeneys.net/articles/im-a-google-manufacturing-robot-and-i-believe-humans-are-biologically-unfit-to-have-jobs-in-tech
RT @amyngyn: if storytime with amy sounds fun to you, i hope you come to the SF Metrics meetup tonight! https://www.meetup.com/San-Francisco-Metrics-Meetup/events/240087212/ https://t.c…
Replying to @pczarkowski
So we share the same birthday?
RT @hemppah: The system has the most influence on people’s behaviour, yet managers continue to treat people as though they are the problem.…
RT @selenakyle: ok, i'll play. in this decade, things protected by my tech ($, devices, accts, people) now in the billions.
Replying to @jezhumble
Awesome! My favorite one star review for "Mastering DevOps" was that the introductory material was too introductory. *shrug*
RT @mike_julian: My book, Practical Monitoring, just dropped in Safari Early Release! I would <3 feedback. https://www.safaribooksonline.com/library/view/practical-monitoring/9781491957349/#monitoringlove
TIL @awscloud Aurora has immutable dynamic parameters 🤔
It is difficult to overstate how useful a well developed sense of gallows humor is for Operations work
One of my all time faves. https://twitter.com/constantine_jn/status/897672075829276672
Mike's teams work hand in hand with my SRE teams, y'know, like DevOps! https://twitter.com/mheffner/status/898284142328262656
Replying to @AlyssaArvin
Just no. Ha!
Replying to @lindvall and @bridgetkromhout
Current status: hating some zookeeper, let me count the bugs... Not saying others don't have bugs.
Replying to @akahn
That Bronx Science shirt is rad!
Replying to @lindvall and @bridgetkromhout
If you're alerting on disk space with your cfg mgmt tool, you're doing it wrong. Cfg mgmt configures monitoring, does not perform it.
Replying to @patrickdebois, @JavaOneConf, @demuxed and @sparksocialsf
has pretty good smores...
RT @mike_julian: Are you a Monitoring Weekly reader? If not, check it: a free weekly newsletter about all-things-monitoring https://t.co/pV…
RT @JoinTheFlock: We're hiring a @TwitterU Diversity Coordinator to support hiring top diverse talent for @Twitter! #diversitymatters https…
RT @nehanarkhede: Physicists were right about constraints of distributed systems. @PatHelland on the #KafkaSummit stage. https://t.co/Dyp9m…
Replying to @UberGeekGirl
Replying to @obfuscurity and @petecheslock
I'd go for the Flatlock instead. It's the upgrayyded model.
OH: "At this point, I'm ready to 'yolo install postgres' and move on"
cc/@JonathanMickle @phro
OH: "If AWS burns us one more time, we're going to need some Amazon dot balm"
cc/ @phro @farzadb82