Welcome to computering. No matter how much effort you put in, or what you do, things *WILL* fail. Plan accordingly.
The best way to ensure that someone doesn't feel listened to is to immediately explain to them how their thoughts and feelings are invalid
A collection of snowflakes makes a snowstorm, not a snow(o)man.
RT @JPablomr: Markdown doesn't work for company logos, mr scammer
Replying to @dormando
I get the $10 discount and $10 fee for the first year. I've been storing their device. After a year, I'll return the device and my cost will remain the same.
Replying to @dormando
Same. It's a dust collector in the back of a closet for 12 months. *shrug*
RT @SREcon: Sniff sniff...what's that? It's "Familiar Smells I've Detected in Your Systems Engineering Organization and How to Fix Them" pr…
"Success makes subsequent success appear more probable, and failure less likely." - Sidney Dekker, Just Culture
Three words to live by: iterate, iterate, iterate.
Might have to consult the wisdom of the Internet on this one. Do I stay with the amazing 1Gbps service I get from @sonic, a local ISP, or take this very tempting offer from AT&T? 🤔
Replying to @ebailey1367 and @sonic
Not bad. No data caps, no log retention, and on the right side of Net Neutrality. $45/mo.
I often find myself listening to the @RealWorldDevOps podcast when I have to drive to a client site, since the demise of The DevOps Cafe. Really enjoyed the discussion with @zenfounder on the importance of gratitude w/parallels to "what went well" in Agile retrospectives.
@SF311 every morning between 8 & 8:30 the commuter buses at 25th & Valencia do not pull all the way to the curb to pick up passengers, forcing all in the bicycle lane into rush hour traffic. Could this be addressed?
OH: "Jira hates me!"
"Don't take it personally, Jira hates everybody."
Replying to @SF311
Given that your monitoring needs to be more available than the system you're monitoring, if you have single points of failure in the product you sell to your customers, outsourcing your monitoring is probably advised. (no, I don't work for a monitoring company)
Replying to @petecheslock
Department of redundancy department
Replying to @obfuscurity and @nytimes
In that case I'd also recommend never donating to the @splcenter. My entire donation was used up years ago by the multiple paper mailings we receive every week from a single donation. Save trees? Opt-out? *shrug*
"real work is done at the dynamic and negotiable interface between rules that need following and complex problems and nuanced situations that need solving and managing." -Sidney Dekker, Just Culture
RT @jpaulreed: So, I’m doing A Thing ™ in October.
And if Resilience Engineering, Chaos Engineering, better code, more effective teams, an…
Replying to @_stevo
For context, in that chapter, Dekker is arguing that in any sufficiently large sociotechnical system, effective teams both consistently bend the rules AND bend the rules consistently (as opposed to one offs) in order to get work done. Rules are too rigid for those systems.
Replying to @SF311
Happened again today at 26th Street. This is not 1 driver, or 1 bus, or 1 company. The buses consistently don't make the effort to pull all the way to the curb space assigned to them. There are no trees or cars blocking their path. The bicycles are forced to accommodate them.
If culture eats strategy for breakfast, then bad architecture can eat good technology for lunch. #youreholdingitwrong
If you have to change the audio input and output on your Mac as often as I do... https://www.themacquad.com/home/2018/5/13/change-audio-output-input-in-the-menu-bar
TFW venturing into production feels like venturing into dungeon level 18 on a D&D expedition.
Evergreen tweet. https://twitter.com/littleidea/status/489162812703272961
Aaand my review of @dominicad's Making Work Visible is live... https://www.amazon.com/review/RTDKDM4SJQH5O/ref=pe_1098610_137716200_cm_rv_eml_rv0_rv
Happy Friday everyone.