Another long drive, another great episode of @RealWorldDevOps by @mike_julian.
People are discussing transitions with the change of the month. So...I've been spending the past several months building Mangoteque ( to help organizations with service delivery, esp. as it relates to operations/SRE. Feel free to reach out with questions!
Replying to @lindvall and @rahulvohra
Thanks for sharing this Eric. This is especially disappointing after attending the Ethics in SRE panel with @lauralifts and @postwait at @SREcon APAC only a few weeks ago. We have a ways to go as an industry.
RT @RobinMazumder: People shirk at the idea of free transit while viewing free parking as normal and acceptable. 🤨
RT @pczarkowski: Autoscaling a non-trivial application is a dangerous myth, and autoscaling a trivial application is unecessary. Don't @ m…
My favorite part of this has got to be all the people architecting solutions.
Keep the tradition alive.
OH: Laissez-faire? More like lazy fair. Amirite?
RT @rakyll: I am tired of people who suggests a vendor solution to every engineering problem out there. Most problems are not even about to…
It me!!
@united I will gladly pay you 600% of what other airlines charge for an unaccompanied minor with a Mileage Plus number who flies United multiple times a year, when you provide them 600% of the service of comparable airlines. #howtoloseacustomer
Familiar Smells I've Detected in your Systems Engineering Organization and how to Fix Them from @SREcon APAC
RT @jaqx0r: I've been sitting on my hands for a while but now I can say I'm speaking at @velocityconf Berlin on "configuration is riskier t…
RT @behemphi: Before waiting 5 years, you might want to talk to all those system admins who aren't writing code at this point. Hint, you mi…
RT @GonzoHacker: Never send a batch process to do a stream transformer's job
RT @ryanmcilmoyl: @mipsytipsy I have had the pleasure of working with several real “10x engineers”. They don’t call themselves that, and th…
RT @CoralineAda: Wiki = Where Information Kills Itself
RT @binford2k: Congrats to @letsencrypt. You really have changed the world for the better. #oscon @oscon
RT @mekkaokereke: Racism.
Every time in US history that black folk have built community wealth, it has been stolen or destroyed.
Most New…
God loves the people you hate - EPIC church NoLA
Replying to @DaveJosephsen
RT @meganclendenan: So many reasons to love my bike. One thing this chart misses is that "they make grownups yell 'wheee' as they roll down…
Replying to @dgouldin, @SanFranciscoJim and @StandardDevBrew
This is beyond disappointing. Making it harder to load your truck so you can force cyclists into traffic?
"No one said it would be easy, but no one said it'd be this hard" - @SherylCrow, also every #DevOps transformation ever!
OH in relation to a #devops transformation: "we are moving from 5 year old soccer to a more position-based offense and defense"
Protip: your very first words about a sparse job posting should probably not be "what's the compensation?". Don't
at me.
Replying to @ripienaar
One of my old bosses told me "anyone can hold their nose and do something for 2 months". What about after that? Environment? Location? Team composition? Product? If the only thing I cared about was money, I'd work at
If you have 15+ years of experience, you are probably (hopefully) not what I would consider an "intermediate level" engineer. Further discussion in The Manager's Path by @skamille or this excellent post by @duosec: HINT: it's about responsibility