"Engineers dislike meetings. What engineers really dislike are meetings for which they perceive no value." https://tech.mangot.com/blog/2019/01/09/an-agile-sre-meeting-plan/ https://twitter.com/ctrlshifti/status/1156732836310687744
RT @randomfrequency: Live in Vancouver, or anywhere in North America? Really like puppet? Want to help support Puppet in SFDC Core infras…
"The merit rating rewards people that conform to the system. It does not reward attempts to improve the system." - W Edwards Deming https://twitter.com/MelanieCebula/status/1156701908565803008
"If we have data, let’s look at data. If all we have are opinions, let’s go with mine.” - Jim Barksdale https://twitter.com/mipsytipsy/status/1157103041557880832
RT @Code4Fresno: Our first hacknight is this Sunday at 4pm! We’ll be at @RootAccessCA working on our mapping project with food, drinks, and…
RT @jathanism: Bay Area nerds: Learn you some network automation! https://twitter.com/networktocode/status/1156935230009290753
Replying to @petecheslock
My favorite by the inimitable @tweets_so_fresh "We'll jump off that bridge when we come to it". I quote him all the time.
The "cognitive personality test" you administer during your recruiting process (unintentionally) serves a single purpose: to perpetuate your homogeneity. Just stop. #hiringengineers
RT @melhilario: 💕🙌🏽😭 https://twitter.com/LaurenDavis/status/1161000809867296769
RT @lionforge: 👀 Who indeed, Digits! Debian Perl and her new friend Digits are on the case to help Ray-Bot recover his memory and find his…
RT @bryanmikaelian: The last few weeks were pretty intense at work and I was feeling it. To top it off, I spent almost 6 hours on a problem…
RT @REdeployConf: This year's conference has the same structure, including talks about resilient teams and resilient people! CFP is open un…
Replying to @mpchlets
Replying to @dberkholz, @mpchlets and @monktoberfest
I've been updating that talk with the latest research every few years. Maybe it's time again?
RT @REdeployConf: We’re excited and honored to announce Dr. Richard Cook as a REdeploy keynote!!
@ri_cook is a pioneer in the field of Res…
The roots of "modern" workplace practices started before the Industrial Revolution and Taylorism....To Know the Brutality of U.S. Capitalism, Start on the Plantation https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2019/08/14/magazine/slavery-capitalism.html
RT @SamuelSattin: I am just so proud of @melhilario, @LaurenDavis & @katiesaurusrex for creating an incredible book that will appeal to so…
We used to have subjects watch The Wizard of Oz in the PET scanner! We're off to see the wizard...🎵 https://twitter.com/INM7_ISN/status/1161938337378263040
RT @devopsdayssthlm: Let’s explore some of the different ways #time is measured with @phrawzty in 5 minutes at #devopsdayssthlm. #ignitetal…
Replying to @benj_fry
https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Paradox_of_tolerance ?
RT @denisehemke: Are you a woman in enterprise product management? Want to hear and talk about driving product adoption? Come visit us and…
RT @hatem_naguib: @USENIXSecurity @UCBerkeley @barracuda @EE_ColumbiaSEAS @ColumbiaCompSci @ICSIatBerkeley @asafcidon Congrats to the resea…
Section 5 Prohibited Acts.
You may not ride a Bicycle if You are under 18 years of age
@baywheels you're withholding fun, convenient, and cheap transportation from Bay Area high school students?
I've started writing a regular column for http://CIO.com about things I teach in my business especially related to Operations. Here's the 1st! Stability vs. speed – pick two https://www.cio.com/article/3432986/stability-vs-speed-pick-two.html
RT @IDGCN: In #operations engineering organizations, @davemangot says you don't have to choose between speed OR stability https://t.co/n9SI…
Replying to @BillJelavich and @benj_fry
Ooooh, so Agile.
RT @UberGeekGirl: "next time they'll put an extra alarm system AND a fire suppressor, but who knows, that might just add 3 more unexpected…
RT @weschow: Kid: are we there yet?
Me: no
Kid: are we there yet?
Me: no
Kid: are we there yet?
Me: no
Kid: are we there yet?
Me: let me…
Replying to @davemangot
To get down the field, you need to plant your foot, make a change, and run down the field. #devops 3/3
Replying to @davemangot
Dancing around with the ball trying to find the perfect spot will not get you down the field. Don't spend 6+ mos. deciding between @chef and @puppetize. Don't be afraid to start the learning that your learning organization needs to do. 2/3
Since it's American football season again, a short thread about organizational change. Many good ball carriers in American football, plant their foot in the sod, make a quick change of direction and, run down the field. So it is with org change. 1/3
RT @monkchips: if i was spending tens of millions of dollars a year on @awscloud I would immediately call @QuinnyPig. don't go to a traditi…