Couldn't write better marketing copy for @mangoteque. #thereisabetterway
Was involved in a lot of this at the start, but introducing infrastructure as code to @salesforceeng is definitely a career highlight.
(and ubiquitous systems monitoring).
RT @SFBART: A daily reminder we need more art in transit.
RT @RSnake: Anything past the first few search results on Google, is for all intents and purposes, the deep web. #SEO
RT @tef_ebooks: i used to be really into new database tech. i even started a nosql meetup, but no-one else turned up.
turns out it was imp…
I ummm, 100%, absolutely, totally do this for DevOps/Service Delivery?
RT @thelongshanx: Got a devops devrel opening? Need someone who loves explaining things memorably? Want folks to feel welcome as heck?
Replying to @DoDAustin
I gave a regular AND a lightning talk one year and got 2 tumblers. One was lost so this one is now strictly an INSIDE THE HOUSE tumbler. ☕
RT @Nick_Craver: We've all done it.
Replying to @DevHawk
I've been transitioning everything to @TIDAL as well. There is definitely a Twitter thread about it brewing in my head. For example,
Replying to @DevHawk and @TIDAL
They use another service which is limited to 500 songs for free. Those of us who can wrangle Python don't need to pay extra to unlock more. 😏
Replying to @DevHawk and @TIDAL
Like Iron!
Reason number 9535 why San Francisco is still awesome. 😁
Get Good At Delivering Software (SM)
As Automakers Add Technology to Cars, Software Bugs Follow
CHEAT CODE ALERT: we give the most points on the Service Delivery Assessment for minimum PTO policies and the least for unlimited. 😯
RT @dmofengineering: Startup Interview:
Using dynamic programming, implement an optimal solution to the traveling salesman problem within 5…
Good monitoring is being able to confirm or deny a hypotheses. Not having all the answers already.
Replying to @patrickdebois
I dunno, sounds pretty close to the experience of stepping on my kid's Lego bricks to me!
RT @nicolefv: If you think home-rolling a solution is the answer, you better make damn well sure your solution is *way* better than anythin…
Replying to @scottsbaldwin, @ernestmueller, @DoDAustin and @kelseyhightower
Definitely the @kelseyhightower talk. My other favorite talk was having the inimitable @stagr_lee introduce MY talk! Dude rocks!
Is it true that Jason Bateman is going to play @QuinnyPig in the Duckbill movie?
One of the first rules of computer security is don't follow unknown links, even in a Super Bowl commercial. An unknown QR code could be a scam.
Oh look, it is!
"I can't think of an example of a technology that started out not primitive but actually bad, and then became successful. Successful things start out great and then become more sophisticated over time."
Stop trying to fix the people. Motor vehicles should never interact with bikes and pedestrians.
Pedestrian Deaths Spike in U.S. as Reckless Driving Surges
Incidents are socio technical constructs yo.
Replying to @seth_hettena
Welcome to the glorious brighter future.
RT @ScrmsAllegiance: Today's book recommendation: Ignore It!
"You get rewarded for the feature you ship TODAY! It could take weeks or mont…
RT @ValaAfshar: Setting boundaries at work can feel uncomfortable but they are critical to your success.
Do not buy into everything being…
Congrats at 10 years @kshkuratoff! You are awesome and deserve the recognition, even if I had to remind you not to work when you were getting married! 😁
Your infra team shouldn't be the bottleneck in your organization, they should be the engine.
Get Good At Delivering Software.
💥🎯 #preach!
RT @moshjeier: The next Hyperforce blog post is up! In this post we go into greater detail about the history of Salesforce technology and h…
RT @braitsch: LAST NIGHT we created a temporary safe path on Valencia St for ppl biking & scooting while motorists idled in the bike lane.…
RT @vixentael: If I die today plz remember me!
Replying to @TShootingAgile, @Jtf, @jaeuchner and @douglassquirrel
Commandos, infantry, police and enlistment while all Ukrainian men 18-60 are being conscripted to defend their homeland from fascist invaders? Really @Jtf? Do better please.
RT @YourAnonNews: Get yer botnetz and join us.
#Anonymous is currently engaged in a full-blown cyber war against the Russian government and…
RT @Carnage4Life: I wonder if Coinbase product teams can discuss what to do if they get an influx of Russian customers after the SWIFT ban…
Now that Russian banks are being ejected from the global financial system, it's going to be fun watching the crypto bros contort themselves over the next few days to explain why global money should be completely uncontrolled in any way.
Replying to @jezhumble
I got a desperate text this morning from a friend in Ethiopia Jez so maybe make your point (which I fully support and agree with) without creating your own list.
cc/ @rgevaert
RT @healthbjk: lord grant me the passive aggressive strength of a startup referring to competition founded after them as "legacy" and "mono…
If you think you might look foolish protesting tyranny for having to wear a mask in a pandemic now that Ukrainians are lying down in front of tanks. Don't worry...
You always looked foolish.
RT @signalapp: We've had an uptick in usage in Eastern Europe & rumors are circulating that Signal is hacked & compromised. This is false.…