My kingdom for an "ssh cannon" Slackmoji for every time someone brings up Ansible
I dub thee, C-PUke-aloooza 2018 #thanksintel
RT @loggly: We're excited to be a part of the SolarWinds Cloud momentum!
Have no fear, the DevOps Engineer is here!
Aspirational thinking
Setup #piCorePlayer with PiFi DAC going full SPDIF into my AV receiver. Zero to flawless incredible sound controlled from my phone in < 30 minutes. Completely blown away.
RT @_celia_marie_: Sexual predator Larry Nassar assaults over 150 girls over the course of 30 yrs, sentenced to 175 yrs in prison & men are…
Replying to @ryan_maclean and @SloanThompson
I seem to have struck a nerve!
Replying to @lindvall
OH: it takes a lot of time not to over engineer something #truth
RT @markimbriaco: I’ve been very lucky in my career to have been able to work for some great companies without moving. But I would be lying…
Replying to @not_napoleon