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Managing work from the front

6 minute read

Being a frontline manager requires a careful negotiation between the business and the engineers. If we focus our efforts on needs, we’ll always be doing the right things.

How to bring order to Chaos

7 minute read

When taking charge of an organization characterized by chaos, use these principles to help quickly turn the ship get things under control.

Organizing around the Value Stream

11 minute read

When working on multiple projects at once, it is hard to make good progress. If we organize around the value stream, then we can help the work to flow through our system.

Engineering the hiring of engineers

20 minute read

Engineering is much more than just writing code – it’s about improving a system. By re-engineering our hiring processes, we can bring much-needed efficiency and results to the system.

Distributed, Not Remote

15 minute read

Every company may be a software company, but many software companies are now becoming distributed software companies. By adopting an everyone remote culture, we can hire, empower, and enable employ...

Plan the work, Execute the work

9 minute read

In our jobs, it’s not enough to be busy, we need to be productive. By being deliberate about choosing what to work on, we can make real strides for our product, our businesses and ourselves.